Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mental Harris-Perry's MSNBC Meltdown

They say depressed people see the world through a tunnel vision of sadness. Okay, maybe "they" in this case is me, but you get the point. If a person is sad, he or she tends to translate their experience in terms of that emotion.

So it makes sense that MSNBC people see the world through a tunnel vision of stupidity. And in one instance, it is seen through a tunnel vision of victimhood in concert with stupidity.

Enter Melissa Harris-Perry, hereafter referred to as MHP.

MHP emailed her staff and shared with the New York Times, that she is livid due to the pre-empting of her show for the last two weekends in favor of election coverage. Other MSNBC shows were also pre-empted, but she is black and the other people involved are not, therefore, the only way this can be logically interpreted by her (and fellow racists) is to label the MSNBC pre-empting as "racist."

People like MHP are so focused on what they see as their own victimhood because it would be too psychologically painful to see themselves as how they are. Thus, they tend to disown their unwanted or unacceptable thoughts or "parts of themselves" by attributing those thoughts onto someone else.

Psychiatrists and psychologists call this a defense mechanism, specifically that of projection.  Example: "He fired me because he hates white men." 

MHP wrote in her email to her staff: "I will not be used as a tool for their purposes. I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by [NBC News chairman Andrew] Lack, [MSNBC president Phil] Griffin, or MSNBC."

After she sent this email, she seemed to calm herself, or her Haldol kicked in. She then wrote: "I don't know if there is a personal racial component. I don't think anyone is doing something mean to me because I'm a black person."

But she cannot make any argument without adding a racial component--this seems to be a classic example of the use of projection, or it may be due to the possible rebranding plans for the failing cable network that caters to socialist wonks and communist and is losing huge parts of the market as its viewership shrinks like a body part in a cold swimming pool.

My guess, based on her historical hysterical behavior, is that she is mentally unbalanced, chronically angry at "the man," and believes she is the poor black victim. Recall how she attacked the Romney family for having the audacity of having an adopted grandchild. She later cried on air with an apology. 

MHP needs to go. There is already too much divisiveness with the Obama administration and white Americans--we don't need MHP pointing a blaming finger as well.

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