Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sweden: Refugees want to leave haunted house

It's like the Islamic version of the Abbott and Costello flick, "Hold That Ghost." Thirty-five Syrian refugees believe that they are being haunted at the Grannaforsa facility in Sweden.

Hamid Alojaili, a Syrian refugee who currently lives at the facility told the local newspaper Smalandsposten "we are sure" the building is haunted. The building is located in Smaland province, a small Swedish village.

The lights flicker, the plumbing makes curious sounds (perhaps a ghost with a bladder problem) and things go "bump" in the night (or not) Magnus Petersson, a manager at the Swedish Migration Agency said. 

Petersson said 35 of the 58 Syrian refugees in the shelter came to the agency's office in Alvesta, demanding to be relocated. My guess is they didn't like the decor and decided to use this ploy. They other 23 refugees heard no evil.

After the report was made, the 35 who made the report reluctantly returned to the facility where they were not attacked and had better living conditions than they had ever experienced. 

Jinns are imaginary critters that live in the stratosphere and are common in Islamic culture and found in the Koran. Most are evil but there are a few good ones. Hopefully the latter are the ones inhabiting the facility because there are no plans to relocate the "guests" who have been complaining about their accommodations.


Enjoy the movie and Happy New Year!

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