Friday, November 6, 2015

"You must leave now!" Islam's no-go zones in US

There are Islamic-funded "no-go zones" right here in the USA. These enclaves are generally located in communities where law enforcement is small in number and these enclaves are popping up across our country and hostile to the communities upon which they're situated.

According to the FBI, there are no less than 22 of these Islamic paramilitary communes and they are teaching terrorist tactics to their "Soldiers of Allah." They are operated by Jamaat al-Fuqra, a Pakistani-based Islamic operation with its U.S. front group known as Muslims of the Americas.

Pamela Geller, whose conservative blog Atlas Shrugs follows Islamic terrorism issues, has been observing the camps for about 8 years and believes that most members are African-Americans who converted to Islam while incarcerated in federal or state prison.

The FBI states that the members of theses camps are trained in small arms, tactics and hand-to-hand combat. If you try visiting one of these sites, you're not to be welcomed and will be told to leave.

Although Muslims of America (MOA) isn't listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department (which seems to be as dangerous to the USA as MOA lately) the video seems to show otherwise.

Pamela Geller states:
"Probably they haven't been raided because Jamaat al-Fuqra is not listed as a terrorist group by the U.S. government and because there is great reluctance among government and law enforcement agencies across the board, no matter who is president, to appear to be anti-Muslim. These compounds say they're peaceful Muslim communities, and the government wants to give the impression that such things can exist in the U.S. without any trouble."
It seems obvious that Islam wants to convert as many followers as possible--in fact, the entire planet must convert to Islam according to them. If that is true, and the camps are peaceful, it would make sense that they would want to advertise this to the infidel public.

But we infidels know better.

In 1991 raid foiled a MOA bomb plot in Toronto and caused a compound about 70 miles south of Dallas to be raided. The feds found loose ammunition and books on weaponry and counter-terrorism techniques.

A 2007 FBI record states that members of MOA have been involved in at least 10 murders, 3 firebombings, one attempted firebombing two explosive bombings, and a disappearance.

Some in Congress, such as Michele Bachmann, voiced concern about these camps, but government at all levels seem more worried about offending Muslims and bowing to their demands of Muslim Brotherhood front groups like Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Bachmann said.

Putting aside the fact that the Obama administration is more sympathetic to Muslim sensitivities than anti-Semitism in the USA, the thing that increases our difficulty in addressing this national problem is the one thing that makes us the greatest nation on earth: the U.S. Constitution.

If we will admit that ISIS and the other Islamic terrorist organizations are at war with the U.S., only then can we go into "Wartime Mode" and not be bound by the restrictions placed on us by the peacetime intentions of the Constitution.

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