Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Why ISIS is winning

These wild and crazy ISIS guys are at it again. Since the first 911 there have been 27166--wait--there goes another, 2167 terrorist attacks globally and ISIS has been getting most of the credit of late.

These jihadists are missing the point about what's really important in the world; "complete decarbonization" by 2050. Yes, global warming beats global jihad any day of the week, and if you don't believe that, go ask some Catholic bishops.

The bishops began a global appeal Monday for a "break-through" at the December Paris climate talks which includes a "complete decarbonization" of the world's economy and help for poor countries that don't have the benefits that coal offers but instead, have to burn cow patties to keep their dwellings warm . . . and some die from the cold. 

But, according to the bishops, coal is evil and ISIS is just a bunch of misguided guys who need jobs. And maybe if we're nice to them, they'll get the message and be nice to us.

Meanwhile, Christians are being killed in droves while these bishops preach unproven science while ignoring a factgual jihad on Christians and Jews.

How dhimmie is that?

Maybe it isn't that the Church officials are acting like dhimmies, maybe they're acting like the abused spouses of Islam being the abusive husband.

Speaking of ISIS, (you may know them as the JV team) they can now claim Boko Haram and al Shabaab as loyal followers. 

Can I get an Inshallah!?

ISIS and these other terrorist groups may be from different parts of the world and speak different languages, but they all read the same Koran and are united in Islam. It is their so-called "religion of peace" that directs their bloody hands to kill all infidels.

The al-Shabaab spiritual leader, Abdiqadir Mumin, the religious guy behind the murder of 147 Christian students, was the "soldier of Allah" who took the ISIS pledge: "We, the mujahideen of Somalia, declare allegiance to the caliph as Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim al-Awad al-Qureshi." 

It's obvious that nothing we have done is slowing ISIS down. In fact, they appear to be growing while our leaders refuse to define the problem for what it is. Be very clear, nothing that ISIS is doing would be something that Muhammad would not do--it's where, in fact, they get their inspiration.              

Now we know where all the flowers have gone--they've gone to bishops, everyone. When will they ever learn?

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