Saturday, October 31, 2015

Iran accepts invite to Vienna waltz

Boots not exactly on the ground
If past calculations reflect today's cost, it will take $5 billion to send 50 U.S. ground troops to Syria for the war against ISIS, aka Islamic State (although they aren't Islamic if you believe Obama, who denies he is too). However, it likely will not cost the taxpayer that much to send in the troops, but it isn't going to be cheap.

The U.S. disclosed plans Friday to station fewer than 50 soldiers in northern Syria to serve as advisers to groups fighting the militants. They will suggest such things as "Shoot him, that guy over there," and "Now that you pulled the pin, throw the damn thing."

Washington announced the mini-operation force just before 17 nations, the European Union and the UN called for a nationwide truce in the Syrian civil war at talks in Vienna. This was attended for the first time since the start of the conflict in 2011 by Iran, the BFF of Bashar Assad.

In a rare pretense of diplomatic progress, Iran implied it would support a six-month political transition period in Syria followed by elections to decide if Assad stays or goes. Those opposed to the chinless scumcrumpet rejected the idea of an election believing it is a trick to keep him in power. 

Gee, I cannot imagine why those opposed to a brutal dictator would think he would rig an election.

Fun Fact: nobody is currently certain which rebel groups are terrorists and which should be included in the political process. Coin flip to follow.

Josh Earnest, who rarely is, said the special forces' mission would be to "train, advise and assist" local groups. "I think if we were envisioning a combat operation, we probably would be contemplating more than 50 troops on the ground," Earnest added.

Ironically, in spite of the fact that this is not a combat operation, the troops will be armed and dangerous, and politicians like Earnest will earnestly avoid hanging out in Syria.

I do not remember any other administration who had played with words in such a schizophrenic way as the Obama administration.

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