Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"Emails, shmemails," Hillary said smugly

Hillary Clinton's email woes began when an email from a top Clinton adviser contained classified military intelligence while another from her top Islamic aide, contained classified information about the Benghazi Islamic terrorist attack. The FBI began to look into the former secretary of state's emails.

Those emails, along with a mother lode of additional emails on Hillary's personal, unsecured, server, located in a bathroom closet in a building in Colorado, were released to the Benghazi select committee in May (you cannot make this stuff up).

 For the first time, Fox News was able to ID which of Clinton's aides sent them and what the subject matter was contained within them.

While all this was being revealed, Hillary poo-pooed Ed Henry of Fox News when he asked her if she wiped the server clean of data. 

"What, like with a cloth or something?" the wife of Bill Clinton said. "I don't know how it works digitally at all," she added, using ignorance and incompetence as an excuse.

It's difficult to know when Hillary is telling the truth about anything. When she wakes up and says "Good morning," she's lying.

Two of the Benghazi-related emails on Hillary's private, unsecured server, were deemed classified when they were originally sent. That is, they were born classified

Email One was forwarded by Huma-Weiner-Wife-Abedin, a woman with family connections to the Muslim Sisterhood through her mother, and the Muslim Brotherhood through her brother. This email contained classified material from military intelligence sources. Sent in 2011, it sends a warning how then-Ambassador Chris Stevens was "considering departure from Benghazi" due to the deteriorating conditions in a nearby town, a stones throw away, if you know what I mean.

This email was mistakenly released by the clowns at the State Department and now is declassified.

Email Two was sent by Jake Sullivan, a Clinton aide. This email contained classified information and sensitive law enforcement information on Benghazi.

You guessed it: Abedin and Sullivan are now a Hillary Clinton campaign comedy act.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon claims the information was not classified at the time the emails were sent, but it is unclear how he would know that, unless Hillary told him: "Good morning. The emails were not classified when they reached my private server."

A State Department spokesclown said they shared Fallon's faith in Hillary.

Hillary tells a bad joke. She sounds like a funeral director who's looking to lighten the mood of the service. She joked about how she should have used Snapchat because the contents get deleted right away. She joked about wiping the server with a cloth.

The trouble is, Hillary is a joke. If she had never married Bill Clinton, she likely would have been chasing ambulances in a small town where everybody knows your name.

In an interview by Dan Calabrese of Jerry Zeifman, the chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate hearings, Hillary worked for Zeifman. He claims that he fired Hillary for "unethical behavior" and said that she conspired to deny Richard Nixon counsel during the hearings. He also refused to give her a letter of recommendation, something he had only done 3 times in his 17 year career.

Hillary has a long history of lies. She did not, in fact, come under sniper fire in Bosnia. That was probably Brian Williams. She lied. In fact, she was presented with flowers at the plane ramp.

She lied about Chelsea who, she claimed was jogging around the World Trade Center back on 9-11. Turns out Chelsea watched it in bed.

She lied when she said that she didn't know her brother was being paid to acquire pardons from then-President Bill Clinton.

She lied when she claimed she and Bill were "dead broke."

Hell, she even lied when claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary--she finally admitted it when realizing he climbed Mt. Everest when she was five years old.

(For a more complete list go to the Liberally Conservative blog and check her out.)

The FBI is hopeful they can recover a good portion of Hillary's emails and are holding her private server in protective custody. She told reporters that she was "very comfortable that this will eventually get resolved and the American people will have plenty of time to figure it out." Maybe she will also have plenty of time to figure out a lot of things .  .  .  in the slammer.

So will the arrogance of Hillary Rotten Clinton finally be assuaged with a big serving of humble pie? Or will her admitted incompetence as secretary of state get her elected Queen of America?

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