Friday, August 21, 2015

Muslim Leader Louis Farrakhan calls for 10,000 US jihadists to kill

One angry dude smelling something bad
Back at the end of July at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan announced that he sought "10 thousand fearless men." He wanted these men to "rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling."

Farrakhan isn't feeling squat. The only feeling he has is in his butt cheek from his fat wallet, a wallet fattened by the Islamic zakat he collects whenever he rants.

The only other feelings he has is hatred for America, whites, Jews, non-Muslims, dogs, gays, lesbians, the Constitution and bacon. The calling for hatred is in the Koran--the hatred is prescribed and required by all "good Muslims."

The "holy man" of Islam went on to say: "I'm looking for 10,000 in the midst of a million. Ten thousand fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny. Death is sweeter than continuing to live and bury our children while the white folks give our killers hamburgers. Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Death is sweeter."

You never hear of Islamic leaders willfully accepting death. They never put on a bomb vest themselves--they have their loyal followers do that instead. Even their "for profit" prophet, Mohammad never got killed in battle. He sat it out while his soldiers died for jihad because they were "virgin-hungry," Jew-hating barbarians who thought they were going to get rewarded for killing infidels.

"The Koran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government won't intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us . . . "

Funny how Muslim terrorists, extremists, Islamists, blame those who they plan to kill--it gives them Allah's permission to do so; it's a nomadic, desert mentality.

So what is this "tyranny" this hatemonger speaks of? Is it the rule of law that keeps our nation civilized that he hates? Is it the absence of Sharia, the law that follows the Koran and puts women at the feet of men, hates gays and lesbians and lofts them in the air, either swinging from an Iranian rope or being thrown to their death?

And who does this cretin refer to that "white folks give our killers hamburgers?"

I believe he was talking to Al Sharpton. 

Finally, why is this hatemonger allowed to use the First Amendment by calling for the killing of innocent people? Isn't there a limit to that?

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