Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Terrorists Who Couldn't Shoot Straight

The American jihadist has warned us on a file-sharing site that Sunday's terror attack in Garland, Texas was the screw-up attempt by the Islamic State (IS) and there will be more screw-up attempts to come, possibly with some successful attempts at killing innocent Americans. Those are not exactly how he framed it, but that is how it turned out for the two dead dudes who couldn't hit the broad side of a camel.

Why this so-called American warned us in the first place shows just how screwed up IS is because to be effective, attacks are best administered without warnings. But I suspect he was trying to keep people like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, and many others, from using their First Amendment rights.

The MSM, on the other hand, seem to blame the incitement of violence on the victims of the attack, not on the Muslim jihadists who actually incited the violence. Who do they think they are, Mohammad?

So this warning tells of how there are so-called "trained soldiers" strategically positioned in 15 states. They are awaiting further orders from the Head camel piss drinker and goat humper, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  

The warning was sent by another Abu, Ibrahim Al Ameriki. How creative--surprised he didn't go by Mohammad, or Muhammed, or Mahmud, or just plain Mo, but his name is the same as a slimy American who joined a Pakistani terrorist group a few years ago and had been seen in propaganda videos.

"Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday, we are increasing in number," this scumcrumpet wrote, but not informing us if these new "soldiers" are going to actually learn to shoot straight.

An intel source told Fox News that U.S. officials are assessing the threat, but doesn't believe it actually came from the top of the IS dung heap. More likely it was the work of a low-level wannabe trying to use the opportunity to see if America's colors run.

Believe me, they don't.

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