Sunday, March 22, 2015

John bin Brennan on Iran

CIA Director John Brennan spoke with Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace. He discussed the Iran nuclear talks and said that we will "continue to keep pressure" on Iran and learn from past mistakes. He agreed that Iran is "still a state sponsor of terrorism."

Brennan thinks Tehran is aware of the "consequences and implications" that would occur if they don't comply with the deal. But, since Brennan may have converted to Islam, he should be aware of the term "kitman" (in Arabic, "taqiyya"). The Iranians will use kitman when they think it will help their cause. And they are masters at hedging their bets.

The fact that during the Ayatollah's speech the crowd chanted "Death to America," and Khomeini didn't scold them for being impolite, should tell us something about Iran. But hey, it's no big deal--they chant it every morning to start their day.

Brennan droned on, telling Wallace, "President Obama has made it very clear that we are going to prevent Iran  from having that type of nuclear weapon that they--they were going on the track to obtain. So if they decide to go down that route, they know that they will do so at their peril."

The 17 Iranians who own televisions in Iran got a good laugh at that one.

Brennan added that the U.S. has learned from its past mistakes with Iran (but failed to mention Valeria Jarrett's role in running Obama).

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