Monday, December 29, 2014

Royal Guards Flushed Out Royally

United Kingdom: The Queen's Guard have given up guarding the palace as they once did. In an article by Abul Taher and Mark Nicol (Dec. 28, 2014, The Daily Mail ) entitled: "Retreating of the Queen's Guard: End of an era as palace sentries fall back in face of mounting fears of new 'lone wolf' terrorist attack," the heads of security have withdrawn the Royal Guards from their normal, high-profile posts outside palaces and other historic landmarks where the public can see them.

It seems that in England, at least, the terrorists have won.

Soldiers are no longer allowed to stand sentry duty alone and are also accompanied by armed police. It hasn't been this bad in merry old England since the IRA was blowing stuff up and killing innocent Brits. 

This move has come in response to the murders of Fusilier Lee Rigby (who was run down by an automobile and then beheaded on a London street by an Muslim with a butcher knife) and the lone gunman who murdered Cpl. Nathan Cirillo while standing guard at the War Memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, Ontario.

These pullback measures have been called a "retreat" for the Guards and retired Major lain Daizel-Job of the Scots Guards told The Mail, "I think this is a big shame."

Meanwhile in Germany, Muslims youth stormed a church on Christmas Eve shouting: "shit Christians." And in Denmark, another Christmas Eve attack took place when a couple, non-Muslims, were beaten with chains after attending midnight mass.

The left is running out of excuses for these inexcusable acts of Islamic violence. 

The UK needs to grow a pair and keep the Royal Guard where they have always belonged. Arm them, allow them to work in twos or more, and have the police armed and ready to deal with the vermin that would harm them. It's time to take a stand against the intolerance of Islam.

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