Sunday, July 20, 2014

Poor Hamas--Israel Is So Mean (So they Say)

I am never amazed anymore about blatant media bias. Of course it works both ways, left and right, but it seems that it's the left that is lacking in factual clarity.

The AFP, a global news agency with over 2,000 reporters worldwide, contributed to a Yahoo News story about Israel and Gaza. They claim to be fair and unbiased but you can judge for yourself. 

"Gaza City (Palestinian Territories( (AFP)- More than 60 Palestinians were killed Sunday as Israeli forces pounded northern Gaza, sending thousands more fleeing in terror in the deadliest assault on the enclave in five years.

"Sunday's bloody toll prompted urgent efforts by the International Committee of the Red Cross to broker a temporary ceasefire to allow paramedics to evacuate the dead and wounded in a deal accepted by both sides.

"Inside the ravaged neighbourhood of Shejaiya, there were hellish scenes of carnage and chaos as a convoy of ambulances rushed in to make the most of the calm, an AFP correspondent said."

The report goes on to say that the deal lasted less than an hour "with Israel accusing Hamas of firing in violation of the agreement, and saying its forces were 'responding accordingly.'"

Well gee, do you think Israel was lying about that? Do you believe Hamas really plays by the rules and honored the ceasefire?

Hamas is a terrorist organization. Their goal, as stated in their charter, is to wipe Israel off the map and kill all the Jews that live and breathe. If Israel responded to Hamas' attacks with the same disregard for civilian casualties, the war would have been over in a few hours.

Instead, Israel has gone out of its way to eliminate as many civilian casualties as possible. No other country in the world has made such efforts in a time of war. They have warned of their impending attacks with leaflets and phone calls. Then they dropped "dummy bombs" on the intended targets to tell whoever remained that it's time to go. No other nation does that, because no other nation is regarded as critically as Israel.

"As Israel's blistering offensive on Shejaiya showed no sign of easing, thousands could be seen fleeing for their lives after heavy shelling left casualties lying in the streets, an AFP correspondent reported."

It sounds like Israel is the devil, and that is exactly how Islamists want us to perceive Israel. It sounds like Israel started this war, and the three teens who were kidnapped and brutally murdered had nothing to do with it--not even when Hamas praised this event. It sounds like the Palestinians are the victims in all of this and the Jews are the murdering marauders.

The Islamists have made it very clear that they want to kill Jews, including their women and children because they believe that no Jew is innocent. They believe this because their prophet Mohammed told them that Jews and Christians cannot co-exist in the Arabian peninsula, and that Jews are derived from apes and pigs. This belief has gone on since Mohammed was dying of pleurisy and refused to believe that it was not caused by some Jew poisoning him.

The power of the written word remains enormous. The press no longer appears to be the unbiased purveyors of information as it once did many years ago when Ben Franklin had a printing press.

But the scariest thing of all is how it has become rather fashionable to be anti-Zionist while pretending not to be anti-Semitic.

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