Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Biggest Losers in America

The biggest losers resulting from the Obamacare program (if you can call something that doesn't work a program) are the "only five percent" of those who have not been able to keep the plans they want, and their doctors they like. Not only will they lose what they have, but their cost will significantly go up. Many people are stuck in the middle--they don't qualify for free care or subsidies--they don't work in the Senate or House. And they cannot afford to pay over a thousand dollars a month for their premiums as we see in some cases. The deductibles are astronomical in many instances and young people will be turned off by that, I believe.

Another big loser is Jay Carney. He seems to have lost his composure with the press, mostly comprised of liberals who are finally pressing him with real questions. He doesn't like that and his thin-skinned demeanor shows it. He doesn't seem to enjoy having to tap dance for his boss, who clearly lied (unless you're a liberal or the New York Times and believe he misspoke--Dana Loesch asked the best question "How can a Tele Prompter misspeak?"). Carney is a disgrace to the field of journalism, in my opinion.

As of today, the Obamacare website can handle a truck load of applications (5 per second) with "almost no mistakes," but the security of the website is weaker than Obama's 3 point shot. If you feel comfortable sending in your personal information to the site, your bravery would be better served in Afghanistan. By the way, I'm a tad skeptical that the site is going to be able to handle the load as it stands now. I want to see that to believe it. So the third big loser today is the website itself.

Finally, the biggest loser of them all is Barack O and the Democratic party. I blocked Obama on Twitter, and several other people followed suit. Just go to #BlockBarack. That trended in the past and seems to be ripe for a comeback. Maybe we should go a step further and report him for spam.

In the end, if you believe Barack Obama did not exactly mean that if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan; and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, you might be a liberal.

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