Friday, October 25, 2013

The Obamination of Care

Kathleen Sebelius is probably as arrogant as President Obama. To say that she doesn't work for us is as thoughtful as the amount of preparation she oversaw in making for the Obamacare website. To believe that Obama didn't know about the problems that exist with the site is naive.

So we tax payers have already shelled out over $600 million and stand to spend about $1 billion by the time the site is up and ready. We bought a website that doesn't work, has poor security code, and the CEO of the lead company that got the contract is headed by a classmate and friend of Michelle Obama. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I believe there is more here than we will ever know--especially from Jay Carney and the rest of the Obama circus--but one thing for certain is that the mainstream media will not press the matter, no pun intended.

From the start, I believed the GOP should have left the debt ceiling alone and allowed Obamacare to play out. But even though they didn't, the public seems to have the attention span of a goldfish and are now focused on Obamacare. This is a good thing; a very good thing.

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