Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God: "Sorry, Heaven's Closed"

President Obama spoke today and we listened. He said pretty much the same thing he said yesterday; that he would be open to talk to the GOP but you may have noticed the absence of the word "negotiate." Of course, I'm referring to the debt ceiling and his claim that the Republican party want to allow the country to go bust. We would be a "deadbeat" country and unable to pay our debts. The GOP are just a bunch of extortionists because 

Mr. Obama talked with the  White House press for about 65 minutes but you may have also noticed that he did not call on Ed Henry of Fox News. It is obvious that Obama knows that any question Ed Henry would ask, is one he wouldn't want to answer. In fact, it's highly likely that all the questions the leftist mainstream media buffoons were asking, were screened by the Obama administration in advance. How do I know this? Well, for one, there were no questions about Obamacare and the problems that are jamming up the system. For another, no "journalist" asked Obama about why national "open air" monuments, like Mount Rushmore, the World War II and other war memorials, were closed to the public, including public roads to the Grand Canyon and the like. 

If you don't think the mainstream media is in the bag for liberals, your cryogenics machine must have spit you out yesterday.

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