Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nidal Hasan, the Trial and the Religion of Peace

Calling Nidal Hasan's killing of Americans at Fort Hood "workplace violence" is like calling the injuries and death from the Boston Marathon bombers "sports injuries." I find it insulting that our president and attorney general (I have difficulty capitalizing their titles lately) think so little of the American public that they believe they we would buy this nonsense. 

After about four years of waiting for the trial to begin, and allowing Hasan to grow a Muhammad-style beard in the interim, we have finally reached the beginning of the trial today. The Associated Press just released information that Hasan had planned to kill as many Americans as possible in the attack, but thankfully was stopped in the middle of an "Allahu Akbar," workplace violence shout out to Allah. In the end, Hasan killed 13 and wounded over 30 Americans.

Hasan has recently denounced his American citizenship but because our government wants to be fair and unbiased, he is still getting paid handsomely and has been paid over $300 thousand since his arrest. The good news is that he's paralyzed from the waist down to the tips of his toes. Even if he got his 72 virgins, they wouldn't do him much good.

This piece of scum plans to defend himself, which means he will have a scumbag for a lawyer. But the truth is, I believe he's less interested in his defense than he is in spreading the word about his "beautiful" religion of peace and how we Americans are evil infidels. I suspect he doesn't care if he is put to death. The judge, Colonel Tara Osborn, informed the jurors that the trial might last for several months, so they should be prepared for the long haul.

The old saying terrorists have is: "We love death more than you love life." Based upon the intolerant, narrow, hateful lives these terrorists lead, living in abject poverty, married to children in many cases, or having several wives living in cloth tents that hold in the body odor, who wouldn't prefer death and rivers of wine? 

Hasan's business card had "SOA" (Soldier of Allah) inscribed below his name. The Army knew about his behavior, yet he received his promotion to Major anyway. It's PC, Politically Correct, and they didn't want any trouble with the Muslim community.

When an ostrich sticks its head in a hole to avoid danger, it puts itself in a more dangerous position. This is what PC is doing to us.

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