Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Thoughts and Islamic Truth

I hope you had a good, thoughtful, and pleasant Memorial Day. I will not spout the usual clichés about what this day is all about--if you read my blog, you already know and you are likely a patriotic person.

As I write this, my TV is tuned to Fox News and there is an ad for Wounded Warriors. Every time I see one of these ads chokes my up a bit--I've given and I hope you would consider doing something for vets.

President Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He spoke about war and reminded us about the war still going on in Afghanistan. Good thing too, we might have forgotten--if we happened to be liberals. 

But what does our president really feel about our troops? I'm not sure. What I am certain about, however, is that like the leaders of nations before him, he is not giving credit where it is due in terms of why we're at war there and at home with terrorism. It isn't politically correct to actually say that we're at war with a Seventh Century ideology that cannot peacefully coexist with our values and beliefs. We must say things like: "It's a war on terror, folks." or "Islam is a peaceful religion,"  when in fact you cannot have a war on a strategy, nor can you say that Islam is a religion of peace as long as we, the enemy are still around--once we're gone, there will be peace and Islam will be the only religion around. That's simply the truth.

With the beheading last week of a British soldier by a Muslim, (a known "extremist" who was being "watched" by the government), David Cameron tap danced around the fact that the killer actually said why he killed the soldier and it had everything to do with Islam and his jihadist duty. But Cameron, of course, like all world leaders, had to state the standard, "but of course most Muslims are peace loving, kind, contributors to the community." It's almost like a disclaimer. It has to be said lest we anger them even more and it hits the fan.
Beheading Class 101

Until we're honest with ourselves, we cannot win this war. We cannot defeat Islamic jihad. It isn't "extemists" that are blowing themselves up to kill us--they're religious Muslims who actually believe what they read in their Korans. It's in there. Read it.

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