Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ricin a Roni

From the mouth of morons
I never liked Castor Oil as a kid--I imagine it must taste like a garbage can lid, but I bet Chris Matthews loves it; but I digress.

The president and several senators have received letters laced with ricin and fortunately, nobody was killed. As you may recall, Mr. Obama has food tasters who he would prefer die in his stead should his food be poisoned, and the post office has sophisticated methods of detecting toxic substances in the mail. The FBI had a press conference tonight stating that they believe they caught the person who sent the letters. As Martha Stewart says about apple pie, "It's a good thing." I'm certain this gentleman will do some seriously hard time.
Ricin Communis

Just a short while ago, there was a serious explosion at a fertilizer factory in Waco, Texas and there were injuries. I suspect this is not connected to the Boston Marathon bombings and the ricin incident, but what horrible coincidences to experience so close chronologically. We seem to be going to hell in a hand basket.

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