Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rand Paul, the New American Hero

Rand Paul came in 9th in the Filibuster Olympics with a time of 12 hours, 52 minutes. His final statement before he left the podium were: "I discovered that there are some limits to filibustering, and I'm going to have to go and take care of one of those in a few minutes." He then left the podium and privately relieved his bladder. But history was made when Jay Carney admitted publicly that the President of the United States does not have the authority to kill American citizens on American soil with a drone. How peachy.

I was incredibly proud of Rand to take the bulls**t by the horns with his "Filiblizzard" a name given by Tweeters to the filibuster who were being snarky about the predicted blizzard that never materialized in spite of a bunch of "non-essentials" being given the day off to cavort and basically fart around the house. A "non-essential" is a government worker who is not essential to the workings of the government, except when it comes to taxpayers having to pay for his cavorting and farting. 

Ted Cruz (R-Tx) and Marco Rubio (R-Fl) helped Rand out when he needed some time to allow his voice to rest and to take a short break. These men, along with Rand Paul, are Tea Party favorites. The rest of the GOP lifers apparently lacked the courage to stand up and be counted in defending the US Constitution as it speaks to circumventing a citizens right to due process of law.

I was proud to be a conservative last night. For once, there seemed to be a person with clear principals rather than simply having a political  agenda.

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