Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Can We All Agree on One Thing?

If you read my blog, you're probably a conservative or a schizophrenic liberal lost in the quagmire of political verbiage. But if you're a conservative, there's one thing I'm sure you will fully agree with me on--capitalism rocks and socialism sucks.

One of the biggest internet companies (besides Facebook who pays no taxes and gets a refund to boot) is Google. This blog is a product of Google and you may have noticed that there are ads along the sides and bottom of the blog, usually relevant to the content. If I write about how Islam is trying to take over the West and create a world caliphate, even if it means killing anyone who gets in the way, you might find an ad for Muslim dating services, (ike reading about a beheading is going to whet your appetite for a Muslim date). If the ad talks about sexual issues, a la Sandra Fluke (rhymes with "duck'), you might find an ad for Viagra or some ED situation. In fact, having written what I've just written, I wonder what Google will come up with as an ad to show you.

Now that being said, liking capitalism, sex, etc., I want to make writing profitable for me because I too believe in our system of free enterprise and mostly, I believe that eating is an important part of our day.

So if you would be so kind as to simply click on an ad or two (and I wouldn't stop you from clicking on three), that would be a vote by you for capitalism, and a few mere pennies for me so that I can continue bringing you more blogs and advertising in the future. You don't have to actually buy anything from the ads. If you don't click on an ad, that's okay too, but check out some of my articles and hopefully you'll be entertained.

Thank you for your support of my mission to bring capitalism into your home or office. 

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