Monday, February 18, 2013

Evil Pipeline

Pipeline Protest: In Washington DC a group of protestors marched in lock-step to protest the Keystone Pipeline. It's just another example of how protestors will protest anything that runs contrary to the Utopia they envision for those of us who envision a different Utopia. These cretins believe a pipeline running from Canada to the US would be environmentally problematic, as if oil spills in the Gulf are okay, and they have all the evidence to prove that a pipeline will wreak havoc on our trees and ferns, wildlife and humans. And they have proof to support their claims--they have deep convictions feelings and beliefs, and if that isn't good enough for you, you're not much of a liberal, are you?

The fact that a pipeline would produce thousands of jobs both here and in Canada doesn't matter to these protestors; most of them already have jobs so they don't need the work. If you could guarantee that the pipeline would not take jobs away from the Middle East oil nations, that would be a different story; that might sway them in favor of the pipeline because they seem to be more concerned about the global economy than our own. It's a sickening self-loathing that has become the signature of the left--from flag burning to supporting our enemies and hating our ally, Israel. 

The fact that a pipeline can't spill millions of gallons of oil into the ocean and kill millions of fish and other critters, doesn't matter to these protestors. If a pipe ruptured it would literally spill millions of gallons of oil into the earth from where it came. Not that this is a good thing, but I see the ocean scenario as a far worse catastrophy. 

Liberals have their priorities backwards because it's hard to think straight when your head is where the sun doesn't shine. Let us pray for them, in spite of the fact that they're also Godless.

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