Thursday, December 20, 2012

Violence, Hillary, Gun-Control and Asperger's

If Hillary Clinton is responsible for the State Department and its handling of the Benghazi murders, why is she getting a free pass because she hit her head?  Why isn't the lamestream media not covering it? Oh wait--they're covering a more important issue--gun control and how guns were responsible for killing those sweet innocents in Newtown, CT.  They jumped on the anti-gun, anti-NRA bandwagon before the echoes of the shooting faded.   In fact, Piers Morgan was gleeful about the shooting because it helped push his anti-gun agenda forward.  This is just one example of how sick some liberals can be. To see his tweet, go here .  This is what a liberal looks like when he thinks he's not being watched.

The carnage in Newtown wasn't the fault of the guns that were fired, but of the young man who pulled the trigger.  They say he had Asperger's Disorder but I have my doubts.  I've worked with patients with this disorder and I am not certain Adam Lanza suffered from it, in spite of the fact that I have never met the killer.

Some of the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's are: 

a) inability to pick up on social cues and lack of appropriate social skills.  People with Asperger's just don't seem to understand the other person's body language, for example, and they have difficulty maintaining a normal conversation because they  tend to interrupt or go off on their own tangent.

b) like the movie "Rain Man," they are generally creatures of routine and habit and dislike changes in these routines.

c) they may display a formal way of speaking and use vocabulary advanced for  here .  This is what a liberal looks like when he thinks he's not being watched.

The carnage in Newtown wasn't the fault of the guns that were fired, but of the young man who pulled the trigger.  They say he had Asperger's Disorder but I have my doubts.  I've worked with patients with this disorder and I am not certain Adam Lanza suffered from it, in spite of the fact that I have never met the killer.

Some of the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's are: 

a) inability to pick up on social cues and lack of appropriate social skills.  People with Asperger's just don't seem to understand the other person's body language, for example, and they have difficulty maintaining a normal conversation because they  tend to interrupt or go off on their own tangent.

b) like the movie "Rain Man," they are generally creatures of routine and habit and dislike changes in these routines.

c) they may display a formal way of speaking and use vocabulary advanced their age, but may also have difficulty understanding a simple joke by a peer, or have problems understanding sarcasm.  Also, their conversations tend to be very one-sided--they talk mostly about what they want to discuss.

d) they may avoid eye contact and have strange facial expressions or postures, not unlike Chris Matthews, Joe Biden or Michael Moore, but unlike these liberals, they are often intelligent, likeable individuals.

e) they often have only a few interests in life.  My patient, for example, was interested in owning a yacht, a farm, or land in Pennsylvania, all for the purpose of making money.  His only other interest was in astronomy, which is supposedly fairly common with Asperger's syndrome.

These are many, but not all of the symptoms in Asperger's, but what is true about all of those individuals with this syndrome is that no two are exactly alike.  What I have found in the cases I've worked with (and I must admit that these were merely a few cases overall), is that not one person with Asperger's syndrome showed any propensity for violence, and, in fact, abhorred it.  The other thing I've found is how frequently many clinicians have had difficulty in performing a clear differential diagnosis--that is, diagnosing Asperger's where schizophrenia may have been more accurate for a particular patient.  Interestingly too, is the fact that Medicaid did not reimburse the clinic for patients with Asperger's syndrome and what the administration tended to do was to rediagnose the patient with schizophrenia because of some similarities of symptoms between the disorders.

The problem of gun control, as I see it, is not keeping guns out of the hands of responsible Americans, but in keeping them out of the hands of those with severe mental disorders, like schizophrenia, where 18% of murders are committed by people with this diagnosis, not with actual Asperger's.  If state laws made it easier to commit adults with schizophrenia and other severe disorders, I believe gun-related violence/murders would incrementally decrease.

What do you think?  Please comment.

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