Monday, November 19, 2012

What Israel Must Do

Michael Oren, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, was asked by Fox News' Bill Hemmer, what he thought it would take for Israel to not attack Hamas with ground troops in Gaza.  His answer was simple: all that Hamas would need to do would be to stop firing rockets into Israel so that Israeli children can go to school and adults can carry on with their jobs and their lives.  Highly unlikely.

Benjamin Netanyahu once said that if the Palestinians laid down their weapons there would be no war.  But if Israel laid down their weapons, there would be no Israel.  This is absolutely true.

The stated goal of Hamas is for the total destruction of Israel.  It's how they roll and it's a religious mandate by none other than that guy we love to draw, Muhammad, when he dictated the koran to his scribe (Mo was illiterate), and made it clear to the Islamic world that the Jews had to go.  You see, Muhammad was a sore loser and when the Jews refused to believe in his made up religion, along with such hard to accept ideas such as drinking camel urine to cure certain ailments, he became very upset and went on a killing spree that has yet to end.

Now we have the Koran-inspired Hamas terrorists lobbing rockets into Israel.  They lob them from sensitive areas such as schools and mosques.  Israelis have been very sensitive to this and have tried to keep collateral damage at a minimum, but whenever a terrorist-loving civilian or child is killed, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and The New York Times show graphics of the carnage and report on how heartless Israel is, but it never reports the whole story.  The problem is, while Israel is being politically correct, they are simply prolonging a war that will only end when Hamas is brought to its knees.  This can only happen when moderate Muslims decide that they have had enough of the violence their 'holy book' requires, and this can only happen when the world sees the resolve of the Israeli nation.

Hamas, (or Goliath), started this recent attack against Israel, (or David). They like to hit you but complain when you hit back. They pretend to be the victims in all of this--they've done this since the religion of peace first began--but it is Hamas who are the aggressors.  They cite the Koran as their justification and their goals are clear.  Is the West too dense to understand that Islamic doctrine calls for a world caliphate?  They want the Muslim flag to fly over the White House--they've said that so why don't we believe them? 

Israel cannot win this war by being PC and they cannot negotiate with barbarians--they tried that a few years ago by giving up land in Gaza for peace, and look what that got them.  No, Israel  must strike with a vengeance or face a war that will never end, a war that will slowly kill its people one by one.

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