Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Six Strategies Obama Might Use to Win the First Debate

Tonight is the big debate and by the time you read this, the results will probably be in.  Nevertheless, I want to put my two cents in as to what I believe Obama will need to do in order to win this debate.

1. The first thing Obama needs to do is brush his teeth just before he goes on stage.  Barack has a great smile and it has gotten him a lot of mileage in his political career.  With just one flash of those pearly whites, people have been convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is the best thing since Mohammad sliced bread, which makes one wonder just what was the best thing prior to sliced bread--clothing?

2. Barack needs to practice his cool pimp roll so that when he walks onto the stage and approaches the podium, his liberal fans go into brain lock and turn off their BS meters like they had to do to have voted for him in the first place.  It isn't important what he says, it's how he says it and how he looks while saying it.  Let's face it, women didn't vote for JFK when he ran for President; they voted for JFK's hair and in this election many liberal women will vote for the way Barack sings and dances.  Many liberal women will even vote for Barack based on the actresses who endorse him yet know nothing about politics or care about how his policies will hurt the lower and middle class.  These celebrities have enough money to forgo worrying about their financial futures and the idea of increased taxes is chump change for them.

3. Hussein needs to divert the audience's attention away from the last four years and get them to focus on the debt rolled up by GW Bush.  When asked specifics, like when he said that George Bush's adding of $4 trillion of debt in 8 years, is unpatriotic, but he added over $5 trillion in just 4 years, Obama needs to burst into song in that smooth falsetto he has; something bluesy like, "I'm so in love with you." 

4. If Joe Biden's statement comes up about how the middle class has been buried the last 4 years, Obama needs to attack Romney by attacking Paul Ryan's crazy budget proposal.  He can also attack Joe Biden for telling the truth and threaten to replace him with a hand puppet.   If Mitt comes back with the fact that the Democrats failed to come up with a budget, good or bad, Barack needs to pull the race card and use that patented smile.

5. If the issue of the attack on the American Consulate in Libya is discussed, and that it was not called terrorism in spite of the fact the administration knew about it, Barry must throw Susan Rice under the bus and blame her for giving his administration false information she received from the Egyptian ambassador, a guy she met at the UN and who invited her to a hookah party.

6. If all else fails and it becomes apparent that Mitt is winning the debate, Hussein should be able to come up with information about Mitt's past that would be damning.  He did it before to others he ran against in Chicago like when he had the divorce records unsealed of the man he ran against.  In Mitt's case, if Barack can't find some dirt, he can always have his pal, David Axelrod, make something up--he's very creative.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

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