Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Phony Joe the Steelworker and Hairy Weed

Mitt Romney is directly responsible for the death of a woman.  He killed her as sure as I'm sitting here eating a Snickers and watching socialist birds sharing from the feeder that hangs off my terrace (they will be sorry when they run out of other people's bird food). 

Mitt Romney is a monster who only wants to rob the poor to give to the rich--"Robin Hood in reverse," as our king said, "Romney Hood," as his fans chuckled at his brilliant witticism.  Obama has fans just like Roseann Barr has cellulite.
Burton describes Sandra Fluke

So here's the story in short:  Bill Burton, Obama's former White House spokesman, is currently running a sleazy super-PAC ad that features a guy named Joe Soptic, a former steel worker for GST in Kansas City.  The plant went belly-up some years after it was acquired by Bain Capital and Soptic blames Mitt for losing his job and health coverage that resulted in the death of his wife.  According to Joe Soptic, she died "a short time after" the plant closed, and if you're a simple-minded liberal, it sounded like she died about twenty-two days after the plant closed, based on Soptic's account.  That almost equates to Mitt shooting the poor woman and letting her die in agony for twenty-two days.
Joe Septic Soptic

But the facts are stubborn things, as John Adams said.  Mitt left Bain in 1999, the plant closed in 2001, and Soptic's wife died in 2006.  Soptic even confessed (on CNN--the "Certainly Not News" network) that she had medical coverage at that time, from her own job, not her husband's job, but heck, that isn't important, is it?  It's just one of those damned stubborn facts.

Bill Burton didn't care about the facts because facts are not as important to liberals as feelings--feelings go down to the bone.  In fact, slime-ball Burton pushed back by saying, "Families and individuals had to find new jobs, new sources of health insurance, and a way to make up for the pensions they lost."  Burton was citing GST, not Solyndra or any other green jobs companies Obama funded with taxpayer money that went belly up.  And if you watched O'Reilly the other night on Fox, you might have noticed how Jesse Watters asked several Harvard students about Solyndra as well as Fast and Furious--they'd never heard of either of them.  This should tell you how knowledgeable liberals are about the real Obama.  Companies close, people lose jobs, they find other work and go on with their lives. Grow up, liberals.

Sadly, this super-PAC ad will get mileage with those people who are clueless and lack the analytic skills required to actually make informed decisions. Those people who believe what they feel rather than what they see or experience through other sensory apparatus. Those, for example, who believe that Palestine has a capital and Israel has not.  Those who believe that Jimmy Carter is a good person and just because he supports Hamas is no reason to think otherwise--he seems like a nice person and I feel it's true.
Removing crow from his teeth

Obama has always been excellent at campaigning.  He does it Chicago style: digging up dirt, like court-sealed records of his opponents and exposing their divorce findings. Like smearing war heroes named McCain and attacking women while pretending to be pro-woman (ask Sarah Palin what I'm referring to).  Obama stands a good chance of winning this election because he's the wrestler who throws dirt in your face when he attacks and gets his friends to trip you when you retaliate.  Yet he cannot take a punch and don't expect him to denounce this super-PAC ad any more than he would denounce Hairy Weed for being a hypocritical panty-waist phony. 

Mitt needs to get tough.  He needs to demand tit-for-tat: "If you want to see my tax returns, show us your school records and financing for your education."  He needs to do the same to Harry Weed too.  Republicans think they can win by being honest and likable; they can't.  We need to be tough to the point of being vicious.  But by being vicious I mean totally honest and not PC.

And finally, if you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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