Monday, July 23, 2012

Violence and the Olympics

The Aurora Movie Theater shooting was horrible, but the refusal of the IOC to observe a moment of silence for the 40th anniversary of the murders of the Israeli Olympic team is equal to that in their level of shame.  We must give up our values lest we offend Islamic countries that refuse to recognize Israel; but let's be honest--it isn't about recognizing the Jewish state as much as it is in hating Jews.  

Israel represents Jews, not a state.  "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," is the chant sung by Palestinian Muslims who want the slaughter of all Jews and the takeover of the state of Israel.  It isn't about land; it's about who lives upon the land.  It offends Muslims that the Jews have their own state.  In Olympics past, Muslims refused to participate in events in which Jews participated in--the Muslims would feign injury or illness if necessary.  In a few day we shall see what happens if these two religious groups are to compete against each other in events.  Greg Gutfeld, (from the Fox News show The Five) quipped that for some Islamic states, killing Jews is an Olympic event.  It isn't very funny, but it also isn't very inaccurate.

There is a movement going on with the Olympics whereby they are putting pressure on Islamic countries to send more women to the games for competition.  I don't know if that's a good or bad idea because if allowed to wear burqas, we may think we are observing a woman throwing the discus while it might actually be a man.  I have to chuckle when I think about the swimwear the women will have to wear--at least in my mind.  I can see those bubbles floating up from the burqas as I write this.

I believe that there will never be real peace in this world until we get rid of political correctness and call it like it is: the religion of peace, Islam, is a myth.  Islam only knows peace when all those involved with it are Islamic or at the very least, submissive to it.  You can't swing a dead cat over your head in Africa without hitting a burnt out church, caused by the religion of peace and the orthodox practitioners of that religion and their abject intolerance of Christianity.  

For world peace to exist, we in the West must separate ourselves from Islam or force Islam in the West to redefine its scripture.  They can spout all the nicey-nice stuff in the Koran about getting along with other religions, but that was written early on in Mohammad's career before he became a mass murderer (and had an army of ten thousand strong).  All of that nicey-nice stuff was abrogated in the Medina Koran era.  It simply said, and I paraphrase, "If something better is written later on than was previously written, it's the latter stuff you need to follow, not the early stuff."  The weird thing to me is the fact that the Koran is supposed to be the perfect book.  If it was perfect, then everything in it should be perfect and not need to be abrogated.  I talk about that in my novel, Jihad Joe, (available at and for the ebook--my shameless plug) and point out some of the obvious errors in the Koran.  This is the only way the hero of the story can keep from getting beheaded.

We live in violent times.  Gun control is clearly not the answer, but is the agenda of the left.  There is absolutely no real proof that it prevents gun violence and, in fact, states that have stronger gun control laws, such as New York, have higher gun-related crimes and homicides.  New York is number 18 among the states in gun homicides, and it is a statistical fact that states that have favorable carry laws are 31% lower in homicide rates than states like New York.

I wish that someone in that theater had a legal weapon and could have stopped the carnage.  I wish the IOC would allow the moment of silence for the Jews massacred in the 1972 Olympics.  I wish, but I know better.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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