Friday, April 27, 2012

Osama bin Hidin and Friday Flushings

A justice ruled that the photos of Osama bin Laden will not be released to the public--but it's of our own good.  If the Obama administration releases the photos of Osama bin Laden after he was killed last year, it might anger the Islamic orthodox and incite them to kill American Christians and Jews, something they hardly ever do.  Wait, they do that anyway.  Well, maybe it would endanger our troops over in Afghanistan and cause the Taliban to try killing them.  Wait--this is happening every day over there.  So why aren't the photos being released?  Maybe it's just better for Obama's reelection chances if he just continuously brags about how he took bin Laden down with a little help of the Navy SEALs rather than showing the gory details of what the kill shot did to his head.  I guess you could say it was mind blowing.  In any case, we certainly don't want to upset our enemies--they might try to kill us even more.

On an even more bizarre note, Harvard University has created a new course entitled, "Understanding Obama."  As simple peons in an elitist world, we are deemed just too stupid to understand such a brilliant mind--at least this is what liberals would have you believe.  If we have to take a college level class to understand the President of the United States, perhaps he shouldn't be President.  It reminds me of a time where I had to supervise someone who came highly recommended by officials in a government agency.  This person was my "second in command" and when she spoke, she used polysyllabic terms and convoluted sentences, and I thought I was too dense to understand this genius who graduated from Columbia University.  But I soon learned from my staff, that nobody understood anything she said--it was psychobabble yammering balderdash but it sounded good.  I'm not saying that this is what Obama is doing, but the liberal press seems to be covering up for him and explaining away his lies in a way that seems to say that "he didn't mean it that way."  Hmmm.

 I believe Einstein said something to the effect that if you cannot explain a subject that a five year old can understand, you don't really understand it yourself.  Now I'm paraphrasing and I'm not 100 percent certain it was Einstein who said it, but I believe he did.  In any case, there's definitely some truth to it.  So if we need to understand Obama by going to Harvard, paying a zillion of daddy's dollars for a course on our President's verbiage, something smells in Denmark.

In sports, the Ottawa Senators lost to the New York Rangers in the Stanley Cup Quarter Finals.  I am a native New Yorker and should be a Rangers fan, but after one MSG game with flying beer, clouds of pot, and language that would embarrass Bill Maher, I never returned to subsequent hockey games, so it was easy to make the transition once I moved to Canada.  But the last time Ottawa was in the playoffs was in 2007 and the only time they won the Stanley Cup was in 1906--the first year it was played.  Yes, the Sens have had a dry spell, but maybe next year.  And if not next year, maybe before I die.  That would be nice.

Finally, MIT students dropped a piano on another piano to symbolize the last day they are permitted to drop a class.  To me, it just proves the theory that you can tune a piano, but you can't tune a fish.

This is why I call it "Brain Flushings."

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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