Monday, April 23, 2012

Jorge Rodriguez Pereira Montego Hidalgo Torres Zimmerman

Leftist media photo
I wonder why Hispanics aren't showing much concern over the George Zimmerman case.  Sure, his name sounds Germanic, clearly white, perhaps Jewish, but the fact is that Zimmerman has an Hispanic mother and he looks Hispanic.  But the leftist media is calling him a "white Hispanic."  I love it how they make stuff up to suit their agenda.  But Hispanics aren't saying anything.

If I were Hispanic I'd be angry as hell.  Hispanics have always classified themselves as such--not white, not black, brown or otherwise--simply as Hispanics.  Why are they allowing the media to get away with this propaganda garbage?  Or is it that they really are speaking out but it's going unreported by the lame streamers?

How Fox depicted Zimmerman
Zimmerman had to go into hiding in order to be out of prison because the New Black Panthers have a bounty on his head, dead or alive, and the racist, Eric Holder, refuses to step in and prosecute them because he refuses to do that to "his people."  And all along I believed that government servants like the Attorney General were serving all the people of this country, not just those of his skin color.  How foolish of me.

And how is it that Al Sharpton is still employed for MSNBC when he is anything but fair and impartial?  When he is anything but honest?  Anything but intelligent?  But I suppose we can say the same about Ed Schultz and Chris Tingles Matthews--they are deep in the tank for Obama and anything way off to the left that one cannot get anything real journalistic reporting anymore.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

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