Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Obamacare Doesn't

Most of us are not lawyers, but we're not stupid.  Just because the liberals are trying to convince us that the Obamacare mandate is a tax, doesn't make it so. As they say, "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a mandate."  It's clearly unconstitutional and there should be no discussion on it, and should have never been passed in the first place, and now we are having to deal with it.

You might recall how Obama gave Nancy Pelosi's California district a free pass from Obamacare, along with other districts of those in his party.  None were given to Republicans.  But more importantly, if a waiver from Obamacare is considered a favor, then what is Obamacare considered to be if not a punishing mandate?  Forcing Americans to purchase something they do not necessarily want to buy is not only dictatorial, it's downright un-American.  No surprise--Obama himself is the most un-American President in our nation's history.  We are still not absolutely certain he actually is an American, and we know how he behaves to our allies, particularly Israel.  

Obama  told the Russian president about his flexibility after this being his "last election."  He didn't know his microphone was on, much like his idiot VP didn't know it when he used the "F Bomb" after Obamacare was signed into law.  It's obvious that Obama has a covert plan if re-elected, and I worry what that plan might be. I suspect that once he doesn't have to worry about his re-election, he'll be like a fat kid at a candystore and grab whatever he can to make the USA the USSA, the United Socialist States of America. 

If all of us refuse to abide by Obamacare, then the people have spoken.  They cannot punish an entire country unless Obama wants to pull off a dictatorship--not much different than Syria and the Islamic nations that he tends to support and to whom he bows down.  The only worry we have is that liberals want a nanny state, want to be suckled from cradle to grave, and will support any bill that takes money from successful people and redistributes it to the lazy.

Finally, it's obvious to people with brains that capitalism works.  It may not be the best possible system we can have, but it's the best so far. If we allow the medical industry to be competitive, the probability is high that healthcare costs will be competitive too, and certainly more affordable.  Hospitals never deny treatment for people who cannot afford it, but perhaps there needs to be a way for these people to somehow be responsible for the treatment they receive.  What I'm suggesting is that liberals grow up and get off the teet of government handouts.  Is that so terrible?

If you are interested in Islamic terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--I have provided the links below.  A New York City reporter is taken hostage by terrorists and must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.   FREE Ebook:  Conservatweets

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