Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fresh New Indian Names

Last year I came up with a list of Indian names for some of our political leaders, if you can call people who lead from or with their behind a leader. I have decided to add and revise the list with more names as more and more liberals come out of the woodwork. There is no specific ordering of these names, although I have place the President and the Village Idiot at the top, out of deference for their titles. If you would like to add to the list with some names you've come up with, please don't be shy--put them in the comment box and I will add them to the list.

Barack Hussein Obama (Barry): Smoke and Mirrors; Throwing Bull

Joseph Biden: Dances with Dunces; Missing Clues

Sandra Fluke: Ceiling Inspector; Mattress Testor; Knows All Tents

Nancy Pelosi: Sleeping Bag

Harry Reid: Echo Like Maiden; Sleeps While Talking

Ed Schultz: Screaming Creampuff

Bill Maher: Bovine Breath; Nose with Zipcode; Woman Hater

Chris Matthews: Wood for POTUS;Softballs

Soledad OBrien: Runs from Vetting

Michele Obama: Fast Food Hunter

Elizabeth Warren: Elizabeth Warren LMAO

Brian Williams: Chin Points Left; Lies for Chief

Martin Basher: Foreign Wannabe; Enduring Virgin

Leon Panetta:Sleeps with Night Light

Jane Fonda: Perpetual Commie; Sleeps with Money

Steven Chu:  Algae Breath; Walking Backwards

Eric Holder: Walking Weapons; Knows No Secrets

Jon Stewart: Informs the Left 

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