Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why Our Friends Kill Us

A face only a mother could love
There was an interesting report from Fox News online today where it said that lawmakers from the House Armed Services Committee are telling our military that they must do better screening of the Afghan security forces that serve with American troops.  There reason for this is that they are killing our guys who fight alongside them. The question is, what is it that they must screen for in order to ensure this will not recur?  They also admit that even with new safeguards in place, they don't believe that it will totally eliminate the problem.  So, what can we do?

The increase in attacks has been most recent--since 2007, seventy-five percent of the over 40 incidents happened in the past two years.  They claim that "most of the attackers acted out of personal motivation and were not directed by insurgents," and these attacks killed 70 coalition troops while wounding 110. 

Personal motivation seems to be a convenient way of leaving out the truth.  What personally motivates Afghan troops to kill Americans?  Did one of our men tell one of the Afghans that his mother smells like a camel?  No, of course not.  The truth is, the Afghans who did this were probably motivated by something even more personal to them than a simple inappropriate insult--they were probably motivated to kill due to something they hold important in their belief system--they were motivated by Islam.  (I wrote the word "religion" before deleting it and writing Islam--I don't see Islam as a religion in the same way we Westerners see religion.  Islam is more a geopolitical doctrine that we are being taught in America deserves more respect than any other religion lest we insult Muslims and they start killing us all over again.)

People are not normally willing to blow themselves up unless by doing so they get something out of it--something more desirable in their small, miserable lives than they are getting now.  Let's call it Paradise, 72 virgins who, no matter how many times you have at them, they remain virgins, and rivers of wine that flow all over the place, and palaces and other fairytale things a desert dweller would find worth blowing themselves up for.  And 72 virgins is just the low end of the heavenly virgin allotment.  The more infidels you kill for Allah, the more virgins you get--oh, and you never get tired of the sex and are always ready to perform.  No, I am not making this up.

Only 5-10% want to kill you
Islam is a religion of peace, they say, but forget to add that it becomes so only after everyone is saying "Allahu Akbar,"  and prays toward Mecca. 

So you think maybe this is why the Afghan troops are self-motivated to kill American troops? You think it just occurred to each of them individually and had nothing to do with what's written in their "holy" books?  If you do, then you might be a liberal.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                   Ebook:  "Conservatweets"

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