Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Iran, Nukes, the Koran, and Why We Should Care

Iran is flexing its muscles and says it will take preemptive action to protect itself from the West.  The Islamic nation of Iran is showing its navy and ground forces, but experts believe that they will not go forward with a war either with the USA or Israel.  But lets face it, the whole act or Iranian bluster is to keep inspectors away from their nuclear sites and they are going forward with developing a nuclear weapon--if you don't believe this, you're probably going to vote for Obama or Paul.  I doubt that Iran is using their uranium to heat their homes like they pretend, and if Israel strikes first, which is the only smart thing to do, it's the ethical duty of the USA to support this great ally.  

Of course, I doubt that Hussein Obama is going to help Israel if they go to war with Iran--he got his marching orders from Jeremiah Wright a long time ago, and Wright is an anti-Semitic, like Obama's other friend, Louis Farrakhan.  It's also clear that Iran has been calling for the destruction of Israel for ages, as they fall in line with the rest of the Caliphate, or Islamic world.  After all, it says in the Koran, the Islamic holy book, that Jews are apes and pigs, and must be killed.

A few days ago, my son-in-law was coming home from work on a public bus and young Middle Eastern-looking twenty-somethings got onto the bus and began chanting "Down with Israel," and "Israel is the cause of wars in the Middle East."  Then they got off and were replaced by another group of Jew-haters chanting the same slogans. This was clearly a coordinated demonstration.  Suffice it to say, anti-Semitism is unfortunately alive and well here in West and students in the local university are too stupid to realize that they are being played as pawns in the Islamic jihad games. Iran is simply doing what Islam calls for it to do and America is sitting and watching, pretending all is well in the world. 

One of the best guarantees of heaven for a Muslim is to die in jihad, a holy war.  A Muslim can pray his five times a day and still, that is not a guarantee that he will get his 72 virgins, his rivers of wine, his young boys who serve him and never grow old, and his perpetual erection that is always at the ready--yes, this is all in the holy book.  So if a Muslim dies while killing an unbeliever, the unbeliever goes to hell, where his skin is burned off and is replaced by new skin to continue the unbearable pain he suffers, while a Muslim has eternal sex.  Really.

And if you think Iranian militants are not willing to use a nuclear weapon, you need to read the Islamic texts, and then perhaps you can send an email to Ron Paul and tell him a thing or two.

I've written a novel, Jihad Joe, about terrorism and suspense. If you want to fight terrorism, you need to know the mind of the terrorist.  The book is available in soft cover and as an Ebook. (Links below).

click here for ebook version


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