Sunday, February 19, 2012

Free Healthcare Condoms

I always thought health insurance was something to be used for unforseen medical situations. I don't understand how the Obama administration can call it a health care issue, or, that as a woman's rights issue, the taxpayer should foot the bill for her birth control. While birth control is a person's right, it isn't the same thing as a heart procedure, chemotherapy, or an appendix operation--those are health care issues--preventing the conception of a baby is a personal choice and the public should not have to be financially involved.  Same holds true with abortion.

I believe abortions kill babies.  I say that because it can be clearly demonstrated and I will not debate that with liberals because they have their mind made up and will not listen to facts because facts, to them, are irrelevant. They are more concerned with challenging you on ridiculous notions like the definition of the word "is," or "sex," as in Bill Clinton's case.

But contraception is not only a Catholic issue; it's an issue with all religions, even if abortions are not prohibited from performing them.  That's because it is clearly a First Amendment issue, which any true conservative will agree.  So we have this administration overstepping their authority on interpreting the Constitution by making people pay for something they do not want to pay for, and in addition, dictate a practice, under the guise of "women's right" to go against their conscience. 

Nancy Pelosi and other idiot colleagues of hers have tried to justify Obama's dictatorial mandate that condoms, abortions, birth control pills, and perhaps one day, even KY Jelly, be provided for the public, whether or not they can afford the $20 a month or so it may cost.  The next step, if we allow this to happen, is obvious--the public will be expected to foot the cost for sexual toys in order that birth control and abortions are viable. Then, who knows--porno flicks to get the motor running?

Sure, I'm being a bit facetious, but how huge a leap is it to go from condoms to porn?

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                FREE  Ebook:  “Conservatweets “

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