Monday, December 5, 2011

The Left Gets a Press Pass

"He lets me call him Barry; too bad he's married"
If you're Newt Gingrich and had several affairs over a decade ago, made amends with those you love, and moved on to change your life for the better by finding God, being a good citizen, it still  doesn't matter--you're an immoral, vile, disgusting human being. There is every reason you should not be elected President of the United States, and every reason you should hang your head in shame everywhere you go.

"Hey baby, check this out"
But if you are Bill Clinton, who admitted to having had a number of extra-marital affairs; received oral sex from an impressionable, young intern, in the Oval Office of the White House, (while carrying on business over the phone to another Representative), the press call that an insignificant indiscretion unrelated to the duties of the Commander in Chief. They not only sees you fit to be President, you're one of the coolest and brightest, and are considered to be one of the greatest Presidents of all time.  And I'm not even going to speak to the twenty or so mysterious deaths tied to the Clintons over the years in public office--Google it.

The good news is how the conservative blogs are giving the other side of the story. For example, the Fast and Furious scandal with the AG, Eric Holder, was, barely mentioned in the liberal mainstream media, but I updated information about it on my blog about an hour ago, and there are a lot more bloggers doing the same. I don't always agree with Fox News, but I do agree that in comparison to the other TV media out there, Fox is by far the fairest of them all. As much as Bob Beckel annoys the hell out of me, without a lefty like him, there would be not balance on The Five. 

With the GOP Iowa primary next month, it's only a matter of time we see the leftist media go positively ape crap with their attacks on those candidates they think have a shot against Hussein--I think that's going to be Newt and Mitt, but it might also include Michele. Even if Ron wins Iowa, which is not out of the question, I cannot imagine the American public voting for an amateur lunatic. Just saying.

If you are interested in reading a novel about Islam, terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links below for both the hard copy (softcover) edition and the ebook edition of my latest novel.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a NY based reporter who is taken hostage by Islamic terrorists and must talk his way out of captivity before he is beheaded the following day. The clock is ticking.
Jihad Joe: a Novel   Create Space Hardcopy edition

ebook version

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