Friday, November 11, 2011

Conservative Thoughts of the Day

A suicide, a homicide, some drug overdoses, multiple injuries, and rapes--protestors dropping like flies while the flies are dropping from the odor of the anarchists. The media has been attacked and even the liberal mayoral leaders are getting tired of the garbage, the violence, the anger of these directionless socialists who, on one hand protest capitalism, while on the other, want the capitalists to forgive their loans, give them jobs, feed them and keep them warm during the night. Why isn't Nancy Pelosi (Princess Nancy as Cain called her) being interviewed and asked how she feels about these cretins?

Obama holding his own
Oakland cops tell rallyers to "protest at your own risk". Gunfire killed one guy in a brawl that began with a fistfight; then the shooting began--but they're saying it had nothing to do with the demonstrations (they actually call hanging around, having public sex, doing drugs, crapping on police cars, yelling at working people, demanding free food, debt forgiveness, and jobs, "demonstrations"). In Oakland, they are politely asking the smellers to "please leave peacefully" but I doubt they will.               

Solyndra emails have been reluctantly released by the White House. Of course, they released nothing incriminating--they may smell fishy, but they're not stupid. Imagine if you only watch MSNBC you wouldn't even know what Solyndra is/was.

Eric Holder is still free from prison, but hopefully the Republicans will correct that problem. The parents of Agent Brian Terry, who was killed in Operation Fast and Furious,  are calling for Holder to step down. Holder refused to apologize to the Terry parents, but dickheads often behave that way.

Obama honored veterans today at Arlington National Cemetery. He looked about as comfortable as a man on a pogo-stick in a minefield. Michele looked like she was pretending to be proud of her country for the second time in her adult life. I cannot imagine how the left feels about our leader.

Jerry Sandusky
Question: Why can't Jerry Sandusky have a chemical orchiectomy and spend the rest of his life in prison? He got his supply of children from the charity he ran--how convenient. There are actually some psychiatrists who want pedophilia to be decriminalized--the news hasn't mentioned this today. I wonder if it ever will become mainstream media worthy. Ha.  Interesting how the students of Penn State are siding with Joe Paterno--the famous coach who knew about Sandusky's pedophilia and didn't go to the police--I guess it's hard to prosecute a winning coach, just like they're allowing Sandusky to walk the streets without putting him in prison because he too, wins football games. Well, not anymore.So, Paterno has "lawyered up" and Sandusky is on bail.

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