Friday, October 28, 2011

Tea For Free

What the Tea Party Looks Like
What Occupy Wall St. Looks Like
When the Tea Party demonstrated in Richmond, Virginia, they had to pay the city for the right to do so, and they did. But when the OWSers demonstrated, and continue to demonstrate, they paid nothing. Now the Tea Party wants their money back and hell, I don't blame them. What audacity (what an overused word) of the left to even compare the two groups, but to treat them with disparity, favoring the hygiene impaired losers who left mommy's basement to make a stand for socialism, is unfair and unAmerican. 

OWS Mascot
The truth is that it costs cities money when a group of people protest, and while it makes sense to charge for the protest, in order to pay the police and departments of sanitation for these cities, it seems only fair to charge the OWS protestors the same proportional amount in respect to the amount of time protesting that the Tea Party paid. Who do we send the bill to? I'd go with George Soros or any of the unions supporting this mob. I would definitely not want a government agency paying for the protestors because that would merely come from our own tax dollars, and those of us who pay taxes are not represented by OWSers. Remember, the insignia of the Tea Party is the American flag; the insignia of OWS is crossed turds.

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