Monday, August 1, 2011

From POTUS to KOTU in One Term

Budget? What's a budget?
So what's Obama's real plan? One thing for sure, It isn't about the debt ceiling, the financial crisis, or jobs.  No, it's about the 2012 campaign and what he plans to do once reelected. Perhaps he'll change his title from POTUS to KOTU (President of the United States to King Of The Universe). Maybe he will have our entire nuclear arsenal dismantled, or at least lower defense spending to the point that the military will only be able to purchase slingshots. Who knows, maybe we can get Iran to sing "Kumbayah" and hold hands with us. What we do know is that Obama wants to spend $1 billion on his campaign, and with the money crisis in this country, I'd say that is obscene.  

Obama, as you know, has called for tax increases on the wealthiest Americans--the corporate jet-setters and families who make at least $250 thousand per year.  But if you look at his 2010 tax returns, you will see that he forgot to include himself in the grand plan.  Obama has avoided paying his "fair share" of taxes that he would have "the rich" pay. Socialists always want to spend other people's money, never theirs.  If you want to read an interesting article from American Thinker, you can read it  here
The article spells out just how hypocritical Obama is--it's the old "do as I say,  not as I do" dance.

  How do we balance the budget and avoid default? I'm not an economist but it seems that the way the media (CNN in particular) is looking at government spending is an "all or none" model. They're talking about cutting out entire programs, but why not cut down how much we spend in each program rather than cutting out the programs completely? If we spend $7 billion in entitlement programs, why not cut the amount to say, $5 billion, and do the same with other programs. Military spending is another issue.  While Obama quietly snuck us out of Iraq, he got us into Libya's war (without congressional approval, by the way), so to cut defense spending would be suicidal. 

One thing for certain is that Obama is an idealistic amateur who has convinced young voters that he is the answer to the future.  But "Change you can believe in" turns out to be the $1.53 in your pocket at the end of the week. The rest of his promises you already know are make-believe socialist folly. Obama is losing his following--people who thought he would be America's hope now realize they've been duped by a sharp talking charleton who says what he knows you want to hear, but lies without blinking an eye. He does speak well, knows a lot of big words, invented the sentence opener "Look . . ." and actually speaks to your heart. But it doesn't get you a job nor protect your 401K and bank account. These are words spoken by an empty suit who does everything he can to protect his money while reaching into your back pocket to steal yours.

Go, my rant has ended. 

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