Monday, June 6, 2011

More On Obama, Lies

In a previous blog I mentioned how our president is having a love affair with those in the religion of his father and step father, both Muslims. I would have added his grandmother, but she vehemently claimed to be a Christian and I suppose out of respect for somebody somewhere, made her journey to Mecca and the Hajj as an undercover Muslim, since non-Muslims are forbidden to go there under pain of something painful. Peace be upon her.  But the love affair Obama is having with Islam is worse than Weinergate, worse than Clinton with Monika and Jennifer and Nina Burleigh, and maybe even Bella Abzug (yuck), and even worse than JFK and his nightly need of prostitutes. The love affair Barack Hussein Obama has with Islam can actually hurt America (Canada included). Islam is already changing the face of the West, but it's hard to see the change because all the women have their faces covered along with their drop-dead bodies in their holy potato sacks. 

Obama said that Islam is a religion of peace. Let's vet that statement for him, since the media isn't going to do it.  In fact, the media did as good a job of vetting Obama as airport security did with Muhammad Atta and his gang of flying virgin seekers.

The Islamic scripture that all Muslims find infallible and perfect is the Koran, which I usually don't capitalize, but I'm being uncharacteristically polite. The reason this book is "perfect" and the go-to manual for Muslims is that it is allegedly written by Allah, who actually is a pagan moon god, but let's not lose our heads over this issue. So if the Koran is the perfect book, existing for all eternity, then by definition, there should be no errors in it because Allah is perfect, and snakes are good with hula hoops and other things that require dexterous hips.

My first issue regarding this claim of perfection is the idea that the verses, called Suras, were told to Mohammad, peas be up in him, by the angel Gabriel over a period of several decades. The earlier Suras were told by Gabriel at a time when Mohammad, Pez be upon him, was down in Mecca and his followers were few and far between--maybe fifty, if he was lucky. These Suras were peaceful and tolerant of Jews and other living things non-Islamic, because Mr. Mohammad wanted to gain a following, much like many of us who use Twitter. But few followed this red headed prophet of Islam because they thought he was nuts (this was before they knew about schizophrenia and temporal lobe epilepsy--either condition a likely contributer to the horrible brutality he brought upon the world), and he had nothing to offer but his version of god. The Jews ridiculed him, and he didn't like being ridiculed because it made him angry, and like the Hulk, you wouldn't like Mohammad, peas beans up in him, when he was angry.  In Mecca, Mohammad, puss be up in him, met Khadija, an older, wealthy woman who needed a man, pronto. They hooked up and our prophet of Islam saw that he had a good thing going, so he stayed with her and her alone and didn't let his Weinergate get him into trouble. But she died and he eventually left Mecca and headed on out to Medina where he had around 10 thousand followers, between nine and twelve wives, because he abandoned the idea of religion for religion sake, and came up with the idea of sex and booty, in the days when booty didn't mean sex. 

The Suras of the Medina period were not as kind and gentle as the earlier Suras that Gabriel was whispering into his extremely hairy ear. They spoke of how Allah hates nonbelievers, and particularly has a beef with Jews, who are described in the Koran as the "worst of people," and were even described as pigs--but if you're a Christian, don't think you've gotten away with anything, because the Koran's Suras referred to Christians as apes.  Now the Suras said things like "And kill them wherever you find and catch them. Drive them out from where they have turned you out; for Al-Fitnah (polytheism, disbelief, oppression) is worse than slaughter." 2:191 Why the Koran begins sentences with the word "And" is beyond human understanding of perfection.

Of course you will hear Islamic apologists telling you the kinder more gentler Suras like, "There is no compulsion in religion." But they don't tell you that these kinder, more tolerant verses were the earlier ones that were whispered gently in Mohammad's, piss be upon him, ear, and that these verses are abrogated by later verses. Interestingly enough, if Allah is so perfect, then why did he need to abrogate anything? He should have gotten it right the first time. This perfect Koran is definitely not the United States Constitution, which, by the way, Barack Hussein Obama thinks is not relevant to the USA anymore. The Constitution can be modified, it can be amended or abrogated as the Koran is told to be. Hey, this is the freaking perfect word of god--there should be no need for changes.  So when Allah sweetly suggests in the Medina Sura 8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah," or Sura 9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you," he is telling you what to do and even goes into detail about how to do it. He suggests such niceties as chopping off hands and legs on opposite sides of the body, and beheading is really big with Allah too. It always confused me that if Allah is perfect, and the creator of everything, then why did he create all these nonbelievers he hates? Seems to me he could have just created Muslims, but that might prove boring. Oh, and the perfect book never once mentions electricity or Brooklyn, New York, or anything that would make a skeptic believe that Mohammad, piece be him, wrote the book himself with a little help from someone who wasn't illiterate like him.  The religion of peace is a lie; it's taqiyya, which is an Islamic tactic where one can, and should lie, to promote Islam. Mohammad was a bad person and Islam is a fundamentally terrror-driven religion. How's that for politically correct, eh?

Just this past April, Eric Holder, our fabulous Attorney General, decided not to pursue the indictments of the unindicted co-conspirators in a Hamas terror funding case in the US vs Holy Land Foundation. We have tons of evidence linking the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Omar Ahmad, its co-founder, and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) with financing terrorism. The fact that they were not indicted had nothing to do with their innocence, but more to do with expediency at the time the case came up. This is the aspect of the Obama administration that honestly worries me--it's his bowing to this religion, making excuses for the terrorism we endure, and opening up progressively more sensitive government positions to people who simply haven't been vetted anymore than Obama himself.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) wrote to Holder asking why he decided not to prosecute alleged bastards who fund terrorism (I said 'alleged' so I'm okay). We are still awaiting justice, Mr. Holder, but I suspect that word actually eludes you because you are blinded by political ambition and have sold your soul to the Obama administration.  In fact, Mr. Holder, since 1999, on an NPR broadcast, you made it clear that you don't really believe in freedom of speech as you would limit the Internet and are still singing that same song along with Obama.

The most important liberty we have in the USA comes from our First Amendment, the freedom of speech. When imams pressured Obama, as they've pressured other Western leaders, our president caved in to their ongoing b.s. cries of Islamophobia, and discussed the idea of "hate speech" and its criminal intent. Well Mr. Obama, the idea of censoring hate speech is the same thing as stifling free speech--the entire idea is subjective and interpreted by those in power to dictate what hate speech is--if they say talking about Islam is hate speech, then it is, even though Islam, like any religion, is an ideology.  You obviously want to control the Internet, Mr. Obama, and the rest of the media that refuses to abide by your liberal (read 'socialist-Marxist') stance, and you want to take away our right to bear arms, a right specifically designed to keep the government from overthrowing the people, not a right for hunters to own guns, as you would have us believe. The more I hear you tell us what you want for our country, the more you remind me of Ahmadinejad, Assad, and the rest of those Islamic dictators who shut off the Internet and media, and keep their people helpless.

Mr. Obama, your father was a communist, your mother was a communist, your step-father was a communist, and your friends are either communists, socialists, and/or terrorists (don't tell us Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn are not your friends--and don't convince us they aren't terrorists because blowing up government buildings isn't terrorism). You are a very dangerous person, Mr. President and hopefully you will be a one-term president. Your words are empty, like your policies--empty of the change and hope you promised the naiive, empty of truth that you say is America, and empty of  real idealism, because socialism is false idealism; America was, and is, the best nation on earth and does not need the change you  promised its people when you were elected--with the help of your ACORN bullies and your lies.

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