Saturday, June 4, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama's Islam Part 2

On June 3, 2009, Osama bin Laden said, "We either live under the light of Islam or we die with dignity . . . brace yourselves for a long war against the world's infidels and their agents."

Well do not think for even one minute that our fearless president let that comment go without a fierce repartee.  He was not going to allow that terrorist to have the last word. He was going to give it back to him and give it to him but good, as they say (at least my mom did when I was young and being a boy). On the very next day, at the Cairo address (where he bowed deeeeply to the king), he said: "America is not--and never will be--at war with Islam." Brass balls, our president--let's just hope they don't make their way onto Twitter. But the Muslim world didn't read this the way any liberal kid who wdfhants to be president when he grows up would read it; they read it as weakness and sheer pussy-posturing.

This was a clear defining moment of our president--a wea0k man--like the kid who gets bullied in the schoolyard by some boy who isn't even his size and strength--and the kid cringes and says, "I don't want to fight with you." Then he quietly wets his pants as the bully laughs and walks away. But maybe I'm wrong about Obama; maybe he really isn't scared; maybe he just wants to make friends with the bully so they can take over the whole schoolyard together. Let's look at him in greater depth.

In his inaugural address, he made it a point to speak directly to the Muslim people and said that he sought "mutual respect."  This, according to our new president, would be the new way forward, and according to the Muslim world seeking expansion through jihad, would be the new way into our "miserable house," as the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood declared in a confiscated document we recovered in an intelligence operation. Obama sang the mutual respect tune throughout the beginning of his failed presidency while the Islamic world had about as much respect for him as they do for the American Rabinnacle Institute of Sheboygan. Obama said, "I have come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world . . ." I love that term--a new beginning. It's so, so . . .  liberal, is what it is. It's so "forgive me, Hillary, I didn't mean to have sexual relations with that woman, let's seek a new beginning," kind of liberal. So pathetic.

The mutual respect ploy was also used when we sent more troops to Afghanistan and he used it withthe "Good Jihadist Ahmadinejad"--I will not quote the kissy-facey details as it is elsewhere on my blog and this time I might toss my Uneeda Bisquits. Suffice it to say that he acts like we don't respect Muslims, but they respect us. It's the big Islamophobia lie. We show more respect for them than they have or will ever show. It's in their DNA to think they are better than us, even when all the evidence proves it isn't true. This is so true, in fact, that  if you're a Muslim and read my last sentence, you will have interpreted it to mean thai I said we are better than you, which I didn't say at all. But I will say this, our culture is better than yours, and our belief systems are clearly better than yours. We honor our wives, we don't hit them. We love our daughters, we don't honor kill them, even when they're bad. We love our neighbors, even when they're of a different religious belief--okay, so maybe we don't love them, but we don't cut off their heads because they don't believe in your god, the moon god, who hates and hates everything that isn't what Muhammad was.

Point is, this is how Obama projects himself both to the Islamic world and to us, his loyal followers (until 2012, one hopes). But there's a much shadier side to Barack Hussein, and that's the side that worries me, and should worry you, unless you're a jihadist yourself, or a sleeper cell person hiding out in Sheboygan. Obama has many Muslim friends, and friends who were once Muslim but don't play that game anymore.He also panders to Islam.


There she goes just walkin' down the street
Louis Farrakhan is a friend of the O-Man. He has visited the White House and has spent quality time with Hussein. Louis is of the Nation of Islam and is a proud Jew-hater and honkey-hater as well, although he has not emphasized the latter quality of late. He is not received well in Israel nor at the American Rabinnical Institute of Sheboygan.

Jeremiah Wright, the right leftist Reverend of the United Trinity Church, a man who most notably said, "God damn America," and other things my mother would have washed his mouth out for--I miss Mom today. In his presidential campaign, Obama pretended not to have heard 20 years of racial hatred, socialist anger and propaganda, and straight-forward anti-Semitism from this racist pig.

Rashid Khalidi was a professor at Columbia University and taught Middle Eastern politics. Joel Klein, the New York City's school chancellor, removed Khalidi from the program after it was discovered this jihadist justified terror attacks on Israeli civilians. Khalidi was also the director of WAFA, the official press agency of the PLO, from 1972 to 1982 in Beirut. His lovely wife Mona, headed the  Arab American Action Network, a fiercely anti-Israel organization and miraculously received a $110 thousand from the Woods Fund, a non-profit organization based out of Chicago. One of the board of directors of the Woods Fund was Obama, of the Hussein middle name variety, and it turns out he and Rashid Khalidi taught at the University of Chicago in the 1990s. Coincidence? You make  the call.

 Please, no more Muhammad jokes
There's more--a lot more, but I suggest you get "The Post-American Presidency" by Pamela Geller with Robert Spencer, and learn who Barack Hussein Obama really is. It just might blow your mind. I haven't touched upon Obama's failure to balance the national budget since being in office, nor the Bush tactics he used to get Bin Laden. It boggles the mind that liberals might vote for him again, and that his methods, his past, his socialist beliefs and his obvious anti-Israeli policy and total disregard for Constitiutional procedure have gone unchallenged in a court of law.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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