Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Do You Spell Ghadaffi

Okay, so I don't spell Ghadaffi the same way as you--Kadafi, Kadaffi, Gadaffi, and so on. But what about Bin Laden? For as long as I can remember, we've been spelling his first name Osama. Suddenly it's now Usama. Balderdash! I know what's going on and hopefully, so do you. 

Like the song goes:   "I say Osama, you say Usama
                                    I say Ubama, you say Obama
                                    Osama, Obama, Usama, Ubama
                                    Let's call the whole thing off."
Who is Hussein Ubama kidding? I was born at night, but I wasn't born last night--Obama is trying to control our unconscious thoughts to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, he isn't who he says he is. Now I don't know if he's a Muslim and I don't care all that much (although it would blow a lot of minds if it could be proven that he is), but the man isn't doing anything differently that a Muslim president would not do at this time in American history. To wit, he gave a speech at Georgetown University and the photo of Jesus in the background was Photoshopped out and the mention of Jesus was never uttered at this allegedly "religious, Christian gathering." Could this be due to Usama being a Muslim or the fact that Georgetown U receives millions of dollars each year from Saudi Arabia? Does it matter? 

The fact is, the complexion of America is slowly changing and we have the Multicultural-loving left to thank for the transition. Liberals contend that all cultures are created equally and that we should respect even those who disrespect ours. They don't quite put it that way, but the reality screams that this is what's happening. They burn our flag in front of the leftist Main Stream Media and while they're doing this, they're protected by the freedoms America offers. They take us to court for hate speech when, in fact, we can be quoting their hateful religious scripture at them, and the president of the United States of America agrees with the notion of hate speech. 

Freedom of speech is the freedom to say things that others may not like. If freedom of speech was to only speak what others want to hear, or what is nice and sweet, we wouldn't need it. I personally hate the idea of showing a painting with dog shit on Jesus, but I would not kill the person for painting it--I would simply not pay money to see it. Try doing that to a painting of Mohammad and see what happens. It is safer to be a Koran in the USA than a fetus. What is wrong with this picture?

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