Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood says, ‘We want an Islamic state in Egypt.’ | IHateTheMedia.com

Muslim Brotherhood says, ‘We want an Islamic state in Egypt.’ | IHateTheMedia.com

Sometimes a thing can be so obvious as to be unbelievable. That seems to be the situation in government today. Here we have James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, being everything but intelligent. To call the Muslim Brotherhood a secular organization is more than simply being stupid and uninformed; it's downright scary. By the look on his face, it's obvious that he's had his head up his ass much too long and needs to get it out and see the light of day, and perhaps even smell the roses. 

We are not at war with terror. We are not at war with suicide bombers. We are at war with the people who hold to the doctrine of Islam stating that it is dominant over the world and will rule it one day. We are at war with those who would take our freedoms away--to speak what we believe, and to argue with others when we believe they are wrong. The answer to bad speech is more speech, not the oppression of it through something called "Hate Speech Laws." That goes against the premises of the Constitution. Lindsey Graham said that "free speech is a good idea, but . . ." which should scare you even more. Free speech is more than a good idea--it's what makes the USA and Canada great.
Just a few days ago I was at the gym and I usually bring a book to read while I'm on the treadmill. I had the book entitled "Muslim Mafia" with me, and I carried it from machine to machine as I worked out. Some guy (I assume he is Muslim), went to the front desk to say that he was "offended" by my library book. He never approached me about it and I wished he had. My response would have been something like: "You have every right to be offended by the title of the book--which I suspect you haven't read--as I have the right to read it. You also have the right to leave the gym if you wish as I have the right to stay." Imagine, this is a library book--a public library book and he felt offended by the title. Well, the koran offends me. The koran is a hate book, a novel about a god who hates Jews, Christians, non-believers, apostates, gays, you name it. People are killed in the name of it and Islam. I am offended by the rallies held in local colleges across the country, led by the MSA, or Muslim Students Association, a group founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in 1960, I believe. They, like the schools these hate-mongers burrow at, are funded by Saudi oil money gotten by sheikhs who support Hamas, the destruction of the "Little Satan" Israel, and the "Big Satan," the USA. 

I don't know about you, but I really find that kind of stuff a bit more offensive than the title of a book that some cretin has the "audacity" to be offended with. I don't agree with the Florida pastor who burned the koran, but the press condemned him more than the people who killed innocents over it. That's pretty upside-down and over to the left, if you ask me.

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