Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow job

I love snowy days and hiding under the covers knowing the alarm clock is not going to awaken me. Instead, the kid upstairs, the kid with a shrill scream like a banchee, like the god Pan, like a horror movie queen, awakened me. "I wanna go out!" I heard her screetch. "I wanna I wanna!" Thasneem slept through it because Thasneem comes from India, a country where drivers blow their horns to indicate their intentions, and they always have some intention for something. So I'm awake and it's a freaking winter wonderland out there in Brooklyn, Faggedabowdit. My mind reaches back to my childhood, when I'd play all morning in the snow, my feet would get wet and all itchy, and I'd come in from the cold and Daddy would rub Noxema on them and make the itch go away. I miss those days and I miss Daddy even more. Life is so short and then there you go.

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