Thursday, August 7, 2014

Yazidis, ISIS and the Crusades Coming Soon

A Yazidi parliamentarian woman spoke out against Islamic jihad on this Video where she is clearly in fear for her life and the lives of her fellow countrymen.

"We are being butchered under the banner of There is no God but Allah!" she cries. "Up to now, 500 Yazidi men and boys have been butchered."

The speaker then interrupted her: "There is some uproar in the Iraqi Parliament for say that Yazidis are being butchered under the banner of There is no God but Allah." He said this several times in an attempt to silence her, it appears.

But she goes on: "Our women are being used as concubines and sold in markets." This is what Mohammed did when he was killing "folks," this is what jihadists do to emulate the prophet of Islam.

She explains that the people stuck in the mountains have no food nor water as ISIS keeps them trapped there. Thus far. 70 children have died of thirst and 50 elderly have also died of bad circumstances.

If this video does not open your eyes to what Islam is all about, you have no heart.

ISIS, Hamas, al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, and the Taliban, to mention just some of the larger terrorist organizations, must be stopped dead in their tracks. This cancerous intolerance of anything not orthodox Islam is not stopping at borders--they don't respect borders (sounds very presidential). 

This is going to be like the Crusades and it isn't going to end pretty.

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