Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Most Bumped Into New Yorker by other New Yorkers

Why is it whenever I walk down the street, no matter how much I stay over to my right, someone invariably bumps into me? I am the "Most bumped into New Yorker by other New Yorkers" I know. I walk to the right, I don't weave, I give up room when necessary, and still, somebody bumps me more than just a glancing blow. Perhaps it's a territorial thing for people--they don't want to give up an inch to anyone. They're high chargers; go-getters; 'get the flock out of my way, David' kinds of people. And here am I, just wanting to go from point A to point Z and the rest of the fucking alphabet is filled with bumps and bruises.

First Jewish Biden admin staffer quits over Israel policy: "There are so many of us who feel this way"

Lily Greenberg Call first told her parents what she planned to do, knowing the crap storm that would likely follow. Lily was the first Jewis...