Wednesday, August 6, 2014

If at First Kerry Doesn't Succeed

Secretary of State John Swiftboat Kerry would like to see Israel and Palestine leaders use the current 72-hour cease fire as a way to restart "more far-reaching negotiations," Fox News reported. 

The rug-donning Kerry spoke to the BBC stating, "I believe that the situation now that has evolved will concentrate people's minds on the need to get back to the negotiations and try and resolve the issues." He obviously has difficulty concentrating his own clouded mind on the fact that Hamas, like all Islamic terrorist groups, has no desire to have any real negotiations with the Jewish people because they're not fit to be alive, as they see it.

There seems to be a double standard when it comes to Israel. Right now there is fighting going on in different parts of the world where Muslims are killing other Muslims. Assad is just one example of this, but it seems that nobody is speaking out against these atrocities because they don't matter as much as the anti-Semitic feelings the world seems to be rekindling against the Jews.

Jew-haters speak about the "disproportionate Israeli response" to Hamas' attacks against Israel. The alternative behavior would be for Israel to launch rockets in a proportionate manner Hamas launches them. A proportionate response would be to choose the same targets--indiscriminate civilians. But Israel doesn't fire at civilians--they make efforts not to cause civilian casualties. Yet when they do, as is virtually impossible not to do in war, the Jew-haters go crazy and blame the Jews for atrocities. Do they not know what Hamas did to provoke a counter attack by Israel?

Kerry actually said that Israel had a right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Gaza. He added that Hamas "behaved in an unbelievably shocking manner engaging in this activity, and, yes, there has been horrible collateral damage as a result." 

I don't find the actions of Hamas "unbelievably shocking" at all. I am not shocked by what has become commonplace with the jihadists of the world, and it certainly is totally believable. When terrorist organizations like ISIS (which has taken the backstage to Israel's "atrocities") behead people and kill indiscriminately, Hamas is just another operator of terror and I am not surprised by what they do.

Kerry also expressed support for lifting the blockade on Gaza. "What we want to do is support the Palestinians in their desire to improve their lives and to get food in and to open crossing and to reconstruct and have greater freedom," the Lurch lookalike told the BBC, but added that for Hamas, lifting the blockade had to come "with a greater responsibility towards Israel, which means giving up rockets."

Yeah, that's likely to happen. The day that Hamas militarily castrates itself will be the day that Barack Obama admits he's a gay communist with strong ties to Islam. They responded by saying "We would take the life of anyone who tries to take the weapons of resistance." Included in the weapons, beyond just rockets, are women and children, mosques and hospitals, used to shield and protect those "weapons of resistance."

Yossi Kuperwasser, a senior official in Israel's Strategic Affairs Ministry, told the Associated Press "The extend to which we are going to be ready to cooperate with the efforts to have better access and movement in Gaza will deeply depend on the kind of arrangements that would secure our peace and security."

What Yossi was saying in effect is that the only way this war would stop on any kind of permanent basis would be for the Koran to be rewritten by the moon god, Allah. It's in there to hate Jews. 

In other words, Hamas is not going silent into the night. Not without an explosion they're not.

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