Friday, August 1, 2014

Liar Liar No Cease Fire

Cease fires only serve to give the enemy time to regroup and reload. But Hamas only needed less than 2 hours to break the cease fire this time and it is slowly becoming clear to the Obama administration that Hamas is not composed of community organizers. What was their first clue?

Israeli tanks and airstrikes pounded Gaza and the IDF  moved further into the West Bank as they searched for a soldier who was likely captured by Hamas terrorists. The soldier, Hadar Goldin, a 23 year old 2nd Lieutenant, was reportedly captured when the Hamas roaches emerged from a terror tunnel just before a religious Muslim suicide bomber blew himself to paradise, said a senior IDF source. There was a heavy exchange of gunfire just before the abduction and Goldin was captured during the fighting and two other soldiers were killed.

At least 62 Palestinians were also killed and I suspect the mainstream media is going to make Israel sound like terrorists and use moral equivalence.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told John Hairpiece Kerry that Hamas will pay for their actions after he heard reports of the kidnapping. He told Kerry by phone Friday that they will continue to defend themselves against attacks. 
The 3 Stooges

Kerry issued a statement while returning to the U.S. after his visit to India on Friday. He condemned the violence in Gaza and the possible kidnapping of the Israeli soldier saying it was an "outrageous violation of the cease-fire." 

The Secretary of State then said "Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message." He was referring to Qatar, Iran and the Koran, but did not go into detail.

"The international community must now redouble its efforts to end the tunnel and rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israel and the suffering and loss of civilian life," Kerry's statement concluded. He did not spell out the fact that it was Hamas who actually killed a large number of Palestinian civilians when their rockets misfired, and that it is Hamas that encourages civilians to stay in the areas where Israel dropped leaflets, made phone calls and texted the Palestinians to leave. Kerry forgot that I suppose.

The U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, finally blamed Hamas for violating the cease fire and like Kerry, demanded the release of the kidnapped soldier "or else." Well, he didn't actually make any threats or say what consequences would result in this war crime, but it doesn't matter much anyway because anti-Semites will still blame Israel for everything because their leftist college professors told them it's all Israel's fault.

Hamas spokes-terrorist, Fawzi Barhourn, neither confirmed nor denied the capture of the soldier and dismissed the reports that it was being used as a cover for a "massacre." Unfortunately, the massacre part was not true.

Where Islamic jihadists kill themselves to kill non-Muslims, Israel shelled Rafah as part of an operational activity to locate Lt. Goldin and bring him back. Where normal people love life, jihadists love death--even more than normal people love life, they say.

Israel's Ambassador to the U.N., Ron Prosor sent a letter to Ban Ki-Moom calling for the U.N. to condemn Hamas for violating the cease fire and demanded that Hamas release Lt. Goldin.

Since the fighting began, Hamas fired 3,073 rockets at civilian populations in Israel and hundreds of suicide bombers who even before they blew themselves up, had no real life. Still, the U.N. isn't sure that Hamas is so bad. They think Israelis are the bad guys because the U.N. is composed of Islamic Hamas-hole sympathizers.

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