Saturday, August 2, 2014

Five Years to Make 'Em, Two Weeks to Break 'Em

It took Hamas 5 years to make them and the IDF about 2 weeks to break them--the terror tunnels going from Gaza into Israel have mostly all been destroyed since the task began in July. So far, Israel has destroyed 31 tunnels and believes it will finish destroying the remaining tunnels by tomorrow. Of course, there may be others yet undiscovered, but that's to be expected.

Many of the tunnels were designed to accomodate heavily armed terrorists who would come into Israel for killing sprees and attack military positions from the rear. They were stockpiled with weapons, explosives and equipment, and there was civilian clothing were the sneaky Hamas-holes could enter into Gaza and come out in Israel dressed to kill in IDF fatigues.

There were even motorcycles in some of the tunnels for a quick escape. The Hamas-holes planned to kill civilians--men, women and children--but it hasn't been reported in the mainstream media yet.

There has been heavy fighting inside the Strip but the IDF is gaining control of the area. Hamas is using RPGs, anti-tank equipment and automatic fire, but Israel is prevailing and Hamas is getting the camel piss kicked out of them. Most recent skirmishes ended with Hamas terrorists being killed, wounded or surrendering. Allah must be taking a smoking break because he isn't helping out very much.

The number of clashes has dropped significantly in recent hours, showing that the IDF is holding control of the areas they are overtaking. There is, however, some isolated sniper and mortar fire.

Hamas is said to be running on short supply of medium-range rockets, the kind they used to kill children and other civilians. Because of this, Hamas is trying to pace itself with the number they fire so they can keep the conflict going. Right now, Hamas is focusing on firing short-range "stupid" rockets on the south--these are unguided and have even led to the deaths of Palestinian civilians which they blamed on Israel and the mainstream media followed.

The IDF is on hold as they await further orders from the security cabinet. They currently remain active across Gaza as the last of the tunnels are destroyed and the remainder of troops will remain in Gaza to provide protection to Israeli villages where Hamas terrorists may try to exploit gaps in the border fence.

It is believed by some in the defense establishment that when Hamas' so-called leaders crawl out of their holes, they will see how severely their butts have been kicked and may not try rebuilding terror tunnels in the future. I disagree. I believe these cowards, who hide while the fighting takes place, will see the continuation of this intifada as their religious duty, their obligation to kill Jews.

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