Thursday, July 31, 2014

Obama for Muslims and Vice-Versa

In his message to Muslims for the Eid al-Fatr holiday on Sunday, President Obama said "Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

The example Barack Hussein Obama gave was how the framers of our Constitution relied heavily on the input of the Mayflower Muslims, and how they were instrumental in the crafting of the Bill of Rights and anti-defamation legislation. Oh wait, no they didn't.

Back in 2009, Barack Hussein Obama highlighted Muslim achievements. He was very specific when he said: "The contributions of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalogue because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country." 

Next he went on to pinpoint precisely those accomplishments to which he referenced: "American Muslims are successful in business and entertainment, the arts and athletics, in science and in medicine. Above all, they are successful parents, good neighbors and active citizens."

Okay, so maybe he wasn't being too specific about any actual accomplishments and used generalizations, but you can't say for sure that he wasn't stoned.

Now I don't believe that it's useful to compare Muslims to Jews because it's obvious to me which group Obama prefers over the other. But let's just look at a few facts.

Jews comprise 0.2% of the world population but 54% of world chess champions. They won 27% of Nobel Prizes in physics, 31% in medicine.

In the US, Jews comprise 2% of the population but 21% of Ivy League student bodies. They make up 26% of Kennedy Center honorees, 38% Business Week list of philanthropists, 51% Pulitzer Prize winners and 37% of Academy Award directors. That is simply statistical facts. It may make some people upset at Jews for their successful achievement records, but it even makes some people hate them for it.

Muslims are not bad people individually, but their religion is not one of peace. Mohammed was not a nice man--just read about him not in books published by non-Muslims; read about him in the Koran and Hadith.

Muslims are a fairly new phenomenon on the American scene. They not only do not make up the "fabric" of our nation, they would like to change it. Sharia Law in America is supported by many Muslims and groups like CAIR that try to block bills that ban the practice in the USA. 

When Muslim taxi drivers challenge local authorities for the right to refuse to pick up blind people with their service dogs, or supermarket cashiers challenge the owners for the right to refuse to sell products from pigs, that is not an interweaving of the fabric of our community--it's throwing out the fabric we have always used and substituting it for Islamic fabric to make a burqa.

Islam has always gotten its land by conquest; then it builds a triumphal mosque to rub it in the faces of the losers. They did it in Spain, they tried to do it at Ground Zero in Manhattan, and they want to do it in Israel.

Obama's words are more than disturbing--they are practically seditious.

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