Saturday, August 9, 2014

ISIS Promises Takeover of White House: Obama is on Vacation

While the Islamic world is taking over town after town in the Middle East, in the hope of establishing a world caliphate, where everybody is Muslim or enslaved by them, Barack Obama is on vacation.

The Islamic State (IS), formerly known as Prince ISIS, is threatening us with: "Send your soldiers . . . we will humiliate them everywhere, Allah willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House." But Obama is too cool to be fooled, so he's on vacation.

IS has no plans of stopping their deadly march, as they behead folks, as Obama calls every person with a pulse, and destroys churches and the property of infidels. They think nothing of beheading a Christian father and his child, or shooting them in the head while taking the mother as a sex slave. The National Organization for Women is on vacation.

Abu Mosa, a spokes scum for IS told Vice Media on Thursday, "I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established. Don't be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead send your soldiers, the ones we humiliated in Iraq." Mosa doesn't like the technology that cuts him at the knees, so he shakes his fist with one hand and grabs his crotch with the other, acting like a tough street thug. Then he adds: "We will humiliate them everywhere, Allah willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House." 

The IS threat came before Obama's Thursday announcement that he may authorize airstrikes against the terror group in order to protect Americans in Iraq. Our fearless leader said: "Today I authorize two operations in Iraq. Targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water, and are facing almost certain death."

The look of leadership
The "president" then revealed to the enemy that we would not put boots on the ground and did all but tell them the type of aircraft we would use and what time to expect them.

With all that tension Mr. Obama has faced recently, he has decided it was time for a little rest and relaxation. He has gone on vacation, and who are we to deny it to him? 

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