Friday, August 8, 2014

Hamasshats, the Media, and Anti-Semitism

Who knew the cease-fire would actually last as long as it did? This time it went to the end of the time fram before Islamic orthodox terrorist group Hamas, tried killing civilians by firing a barrage of about 5 rockets into southern Israel today.

Israel responded by shooting back along Gaza. This upset the leftist community who believe that when Hamas tries to kill Jewish men, women and children, they are doing it to combat the evil oppression exerted upon them by the Jews. When the Jews defend themselves, it is clearly genocide.

Israel targeted an area near a Gaza City military mosque and unfortunately, a 10-year old child was killed and five children were wounded near the mosque. If Hamas didn't confiscate the cement given to the Palestinians by Israel and other European nations to use for terror tunnels, the Palestinians could have used it for housing and shelters, which would have saved countless civilian lives. But I imagine that anyone who would use a child as a human shield would just as easily used the shelters for their own safety and not for that of women or children.

In any case, the Cairo talks are going as smoothly as coarse sandpaper and John Kerry continues to be as useful as toilet paper in Asia. Israel is quite clear that they will not negotiate while Israel is under fire.

Hamas wants Israel to open their Gaza borders, but they would only agree if Hamas disarms. Israel doesn't need smart Jewish lawyers to know that such a move would be suicidal because Hamas would be sneaking in an arsenal of assault weapons faster than a speeding bullet. Hamas insists that it will never give up its arms, stating, "Giving up our arms would destroy the Hamas dream of destroying Israel and all the Jews therein. Allahu Akbar!"

Hamas is now in a position of weakness after all the fighting that has taken place over the last month. In spite of Hamas' Keystone Kops assaults (in which they fired over 2500 rockets at Israel) their accuracy was even worse than President Obama's 3 point shot and 4-foot putt. Israel, on the other hand, pounded Gaza with almost 5,000 strikes in which Allah's asshats lost hundreds of fighters, about 65% of it's rocket arsenal and virtually all of its terror tunnels under Israel's border. This "kill all the Jews" thing isn't working out so great for them.

So with nothing left to lose, Gaza's Hamas-holes fired rockets at Israel within minutes after the cease-fire expired. By midday, 33 rockets were launched and out of these, 26 landed in Israel, 3 were shot down, and 4 hit inside of Gaza, making for great propaganda press.

Israel believes that the latest Hamas attempts were to exert pressure on Israel but keeping major retaliatory escalation by Israel in check. But Israel was clear that there would be no negotiations while these asshats were still firing at them.

Israel's Cairo delegation left Egypt Friday morning and it isn't clear if they would return.

I believe that Israel has done enough to try convincing the anti-Semitic world that they are doing all they can to stop the fighting, and all they can to keep civilian casualties low. It time to cease the cease-fires.

But the world will believe what it wants to believe, and what the lame-stream media is feeding them will reinforce their low-information beliefs. Remember, those "reporters" in Gaza were not allowed to get the real story out that Hamas was, indeed, using human shields and hiding rockets in civilian areas. The only reporter with guts was from New Delhi TV, who showed a rocket and launcher under a tent in a civilian area, and then showed it being fired the next day.

One report today by the National Post says: "Gaza Calm Shattered as Israel Launches Airstrikes in Gaza." They headline what Israel did in retaliation for Hamas firing rockets into Israel first. The media, at least the mainstream media, is not the place to get the news.

Can you picture Chris Matthews or Piers Morgan in flak jackets reporting on a Hamas rocket launch on live TV?

Neither can I.

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