Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Fox Debate Predictions for Dec. 14, 2011

Pre-Cain MSM Scandal
I'm not a political analyst--but I was a psychoanalyst in my earlier life, and I believe knowing something about human nature can be somewhat helpful in predicting tonight's debate on Fox News. My predictions are a bit unconventional for me, because I believe the person I saw as the brightest guy in the room, is going to flub it tonight. Of course I'm speaking about the New Newt.

Newt is, without a doubt, the master debater compared to the rest of the crew. He is quick with his answers, glib with his expressions, and humble about his past. But his main problem is that ego of his. He attacked Mitt about his work in the private sector, because Mitt attacked him with his work Fannie and Freddie and la chambre a coucher. Newt did not allow his brain to engage his tongue before responding, and that seems typical of people with big egos.

But I like much of what the Newtster says, and I really like the way he says it. His ideas on immigration seem rational, and his thougths about Palestine being invented history is true; but Mitt is more thoughtful in his approach to the Palestinian-Israeli problem than Newt, while Newt is more sincere. For me, this is the biggest problem America and the free world faces regarding security and the Islamic problem the religion of peace poses. 

Getting back to immigration--there is no rational way we can elect a president who wants to deport all illegal aliens. I'm a law and order guy, I even watch it on TV, but any candidate taking that stand will lose the independent vote and Obama will continue his reign as socialist POTUS. Ron Paul's idea of not allowing them benefits or jobs and thus forcing them to leave, sounds like a plan, but Paul strikes me as a person who left his work at medicine because he couldn't stand people being helped. He takes that stance on Israel and pretends he's doing them a favor by allowing them to remain independent--he just leaves out the part about also being vulnerable to the surrounding Muslim nations that want death to the Jews, and an end to Israel. Paul is as anti-Zionist as they come.

Michelle Backmann is a true conservative, but she's a one-issue candidate and that isn't enough. Her stance on health care and repeal of Obaminationcare is right on the money, and she actually knows a thing or two about foreign affairs, while never having one in her past, but she doesn't stand up to the electability test. She will probably remain at the low end of the totem pole tonight.

Ron Huntsman is an arrogant RINO who is gracing the podium with his revered presence. Independents may like him but true conservatives see him as a liberal with an attitude. His knowledge of Mandarin, however, will get him good service at Fong Chow's, but I'm afraid that if he was nominated, we would have the same fiscal problems that Obama has ameliorated with his socialist policies and Russian czar appointees. Personally, I'd like to see Rick Santorum punch Huntsman in the kisser.

And speaking of Rick's, Perry should pull the plug, get back on his horse, and ride out into the sunset. Yes, he's making tons of expensive commercials and may have influenced the conservative Christian vote, but as a debater, he sucks, and just because he admits that he sucks, is not a good reason to give him a free pass. A good candidate must be a good debater. Mitt was excellent in the last debate, and Newt was kind of vanilla. But tonight's debate will be the big one, I think. Tonight's debate will tell us who should go forward, and in part, who should step away and hang up their guns.

"Number one . . . uh, um . . ."
I'll be blogging my thoughts tomorrow about the debate. I'd be grateful for your feedback and criticism--but remember, this is a family blog, so watch the expletives, please.

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